Not even a little. This is all about what I’m feeling for you, Sweetheart. She released his neck and leaned back to meet his gaze. She even smiled. “Check it out, if you don’t believe me. But you won’t find a single flame mark on my body. And don’t worry, you can let go of me now. I’m good to levitate.”

Fergus drew to a complete stop midair and his squad around him pulled up once more in a tight, protective formation.

He released Mary so that she floated next to him. She had amber rings in her eyes, which had nothing to do with the flame drug either.

He pushed her hair away from her throat and sure enough he couldn’t find the smallest flame sign on her skin. If she’d had the drug in her system, she’d have corresponding flames all up her neck and on her cheeks. But her complexion was as pure and as beautiful as it had always been.

Which meant she’d spoken truthfully about her current state: Her reactions were all about him.

She smiled again. “See what I mean?”

While levitating beneath a swathe of stars and surrounded by his security detail, he took her arms gently in hand. “Mary. I …” He had so much to say to her, but not in front of his pack. The words he needed to speak were for her alone.

She switched to telepathy. I know. How about we finish this in your den home?

He drew in a deep breath, then nodded. Good idea.

Realizing that Ryan had caught up with them and flew close, he said, “The drug has left Mary’s system because of something the witch did, which is a good thing. But this also means we won’t be needing the hospital equipment so you can cancel the order. Also, she and I are going to my den home.”

Other than watching Ryan draw his phone to his ear to revoke his earlier order for medical equipment, Fergus didn’t wait to see any of the other responses. His wolves would do whatever he said, no question, and the time would come very soon when the pack would have to decide about his leadership and about Mary.

But not tonight.

He pulled Mary back into his arms and sped in the direction of his forest home.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and entered his mind once more. I need to be with you, stripped down naked.

He growled heavily.

I love that sound, she said. Makes me want to be on all fours.

He got so distracted he almost clipped the top of a pine tree and had to jerk sideways to avoid it. He needed to concentrate, but Mary was making it hard. Real hard.

As soon as he descended to the front of the den home, he posted four guards to walk the perimeter until dawn. He had no doubt that there was a remnant of Sydon’s rogue wolves still active in every part of the territory. If any of them happened to come near his home, he wanted to be ready.

With his guards in place, he sent Ryan and the last wolf back to the compound.

He levitated close to the walkway leading to the front door, but didn’t let Mary go. Instead, he continued to fly, since he could move faster without using his feet.

He pushed the door open and barely got it shut before he was speeding her down the narrow stairwell. He held her tight against him, including her arms, to protect her.

Once in the den, he all but threw her on the bed, then started stripping out of his clothes.

Mary’s light brown eyes glowed amber now. She was fully with him as she let her wolf rise to the fore. He kept growling, which in turn had Mary rolling her hips and touching her breasts as she watched him. With the steel door no longer blocking his heart, he could feel her mating need as strong and as straight as his cock.

Tonight, he’d make Mary his once and for all.

She hadn’t taken her clothes off, but lay with her hand pressed between her thighs as she looked at him. Her eyes widened as her gaze fell to his fully erect cock.

When he was undressed, he drew close to the bed and made short work of her shoes and jeans. Her thong disappeared about the same time.

She tried to leap on him, but he pushed her back. “Hold still. I want you completely naked.”

She released a growl of her own and her legs scissored trying to reach him, but he wasn’t kidding. He didn’t want one scrap of fabric separating her body from his.

He had work to do and a job to get done.

Once her clothes lay in a heap on the floor next to his, he returned to the door and slammed it shut. This was going to get loud.