Ryan contacted Fergus telepathically. Half the wolves present seem to be coming out of their stupor. Harley’s here. He’s shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

Is the room contained?

No. Oh, shit. I was looking at Sydon, and suddenly he vanished. I think he might be headed your way.


FERGUS COULD SENSE the wolf, but he couldn’t see him. As he waited for Sydon to appear, he could feel his rage, but for whatever reason, the wolf-warlock wasn’t moving fast.

Ryan’s voice hit Fergus’s mind again. How the hell did he make himself disappear?

Sydon is part warlock now. He probably used a spell, but I’ve got this.

Shit. Okay, we’ll secure the war room.

Fergus extended his fae senses. He could feel that Sydon was headed toward him though he’d barely moved beyond the doorway of the war room. What was he waiting for?

He tapped Ryan’s telepathy again. Where’s Sandrine? Do you see her?

No. She’s gone as well.

Fergus accessed his dreamglide and sped quickly to Ryan’s location. Sandrine wasn’t there, but he sensed her and followed his instincts.

When he found her, a new wave of adrenaline hit his system. Holy shit, Ryan. I’m looking at the witch now. She’s near the bomb and she’s just activated the timer. Fuck, we’ve only got five minutes. Get our men out of the bunker now. And any of the wolves affected by Sandrine’s spell! Make sure the area near the Naked Wolf is clear as well.

I’m on it! Ryan started shouting orders.

Fergus returned his focus to his real-time self. Sydon had suddenly shifted to high gear and was closing in on him fast. Because he sensed Sydon was armed only with his half-sword, he holstered his Glock, then unsheathed his sword.

He contacted Ryan once more. Sydon’s coming for me now.

Take him down, Fergus. And don’t worry. I’m getting everyone out as we speak.

With only his sword in hand, Fergus moved away from Mary’s couch. Sydon’s choice to use his blade instead of his gun was a good thing. Mary could easily get hurt or even killed in an exchange of gunfire.

Without warning, Sydon let go of the invisibility spell. He was only twenty feet away, lips snarling, half-sword held in a tight fist.

“You did this?” Sydon shouted. “You and your woman? You figured out our attack plan?” His face turned a reddish hue. “How? I had every conting

ency covered.”

Well beyond Sydon’s shoulder, Fergus watched Ryan swiftly usher the Gordion team and what was left of Sydon’s staff, through the door that led into the large conference room.

Fergus shifted his full attention back to the wolf and shared a small portion of the truth. “A ghost sent Mary to Savage. But does it really matter? It’s just you and me now, Sydon.” He lowered his shoulders, bent his knees, then growled heavily. “As it should have been from the beginning.”

Sydon’s nose elongated wolf-style and he pulled his lips back. Fergus could feel his intention and wasn’t surprised when Sydon disappeared again, no doubt assuming it would give him the advantage.

But Fergus wasn’t just a wolf anymore and used his dreamglide like a visual tracking device. He could see Sydon easily and met the downward slice of his unseen sword as though he was watching it in real-time.

“What the fuck?” Sydon shouted as their swords clanged together. But the wolf still didn’t show himself.

“You’re not the only half-breed in the room,” Fergus said. “I’m looking at you through the dreamglide.”

“You can build a fucking dreamglide?” Sydon shuffled backward several feet, eyes wide.

“Surprise. But did you know your witch activated the bomb?”

Sydon smiled. “So she did. By my estimation, I’ve got four minutes to put you in the ground.”