He had a third of the wolves positioned to guard the entrance, while the remainder filled the large front foyer to engage the enemy as needed.

All that remained was for Fergus to get his team of ten to Sydon’s bunker. He took to the skies, and Ryan and the rest levitated with him, rising at least a quarter mile up to avoid being seen by any of Sydon’s rogue wolves. Their job was treacherous and the last thing Fergus wanted was for Sydon to know ahead of time what he’d be facing.

Fergus focused on his dreamglide, which still hovered above the relief map. Sydon and his wolves remained clustered in the larger war room, listening to squad reports as they came in.

In real-time, Fergus heard several shots as he passed over the heart of Savage, yet still a mile away from Sydon’s bunker. More shots followed.

When he looked down and could see some of the different pack wolves battling Sydon’s forces, it was hard to pass by. His wolf battle instincts wanted to engage then and there. But he had to get Mary out of the compound, and it was time to run Sydon to earth for good. His fae senses warned him that once Sydon got the first reports back from his army, he’d realize his plan had been compromised and Mary would be in serious trouble again.

He told his wolves to hold steady as they passed over yet another compound and heard more shots being fired. When a couple of minor explosions went off, one to the east and the other in the north, he flew faster. The whole territory was now in full engagement as Sydon’s plan unfolded.

By the time he’d reached the Naked Wolf, however, the border patrol had cleared the streets as well as the clubs in the surrounding area. A line of cars intent on leaving the territory was grid-locked all the way to Defiance Bridge. The Savage Border Patrol had done a quick and excellent job securing the street since the immediate area around the Naked Wolf was now free of its normal traffic.

He held his team hovered over the strip club, reminding each member of his team to avoid the bomb on the stairs of the southwest public entrance.

He continued with group telepathy. I’ll use the dreamglide to find the best point of entrance for us. Be ready to battle. This is it.

He felt a profound warring spirit bind his wolves together. They were a unified force in the best sense.

Within the dreamglide he saw Sydon listen intently to reports coming in from all over the territory. He was frowning hard and finally said, “Why aren’t the wolves going berserk and tearing at each other, pack-to-pack?”

When Sydon glanced at Sandrine, Fergus took it as his cue to get his dreamglide the hell out of there. He swung the dream-world vehicle north and flew swiftly in the direction of Sydon’s office. Once there, he checked on Mary, then contacted her. We’re right outside, Mary. Can you move at all?

The sound of her voice reassured him even though she lay inert on the purple velvet. Sandrine be-spelled me. Can’t move a muscle yet, but I’m doing better. Ready when you are.

Won’t be long now. I’m taking my dreamglide out of here.

Facing south, he saw a second door that opened onto the east side of Sydon’s bunker. Passing through, he found a long conference room and a large door with an ‘exit’ sign above it.

Moving in a quick burst of energy, he passed through the door, which led to a wide flight of exterior cement stairs. When Fergus flew his dreamglide up, he realized the stairs led to street level and he could see himself and his team hovering high in the air. Mary had been right. Sydon had built his HQ directly below the Naked Wolf.

He addressed his team in real-time, letting them know the layout and that he’d guide them in using the dreamglide.

Ready? he asked, meeting each man’s gaze.

The question was rhetorical, though a lot of dipped chins and snarls followed. Each wolf drew his Glock as well.

With his wolves in position, he piloted the dreamglide back into the still empty conference room. In real-time, he directed his troops to follow behind him.

He landed on the sidewalk, then levitated quietly down the cement stairs. He opened the door, and the man behind him came forward and held it open for the rest.

Fergus moved inside, still holding his dreamglide tight. He moved it into the suite of offices and took a look, but Sydon’s staff was still in the war room.

He reminded his wolves of the biggest danger. Remember, the southwest door leading out of the strategy room is armed with a bomb that will level this building and several others around it if detonated. Avoid that door.

His wolves offered huffing grunts in response, a unique sound mind-to-mind.

Fergus moved into the offices with the wolves. Each now had his Glock in one hand, short sword in the other.

Fergus carried only his Glock in case he needed to grab Mary. He went through the north door first and found her still safe on the sofa. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Mary, can you hear me? Can you wake up?”

She mumbled in her twilight state, then switched to telepathy. It’s a combo of the drug and a spell. Sorry.

No worries. But I’ve got to help my team secure the bunker.

Go for it, wolf.

He heard shouting and gunfire as his troops engaged with Sydon and his team in what had to be the war room.