Mary lay very still. She heard their footsteps as they left. Now that Sandrine wasn’t in the immediate vicinity, Mary didn’t feel nearly as tired, but she still couldn’t move. She couldn’t rebuild her dreamglide, either.

Then another idea came to her and since Sydon and Sandrine were gone, she decided to try to reach Fergus again. She opened her telepathic channel. Fergus? Are you there?

~ ~ ~

Fergus had made his way to his gun cabinet off his study, when Mary’s voice once more entered his mind, this time loud and clear.

Checking his Glock, then sliding it into his holster, he asked, Is everything all right? Has anything changed?

Yes. Right now Sandrine, Sydon and his entire administrative staff have moved to the strategy room ready to launch Amber Flame Rising. But I have an idea that might help you and your troops as you bust into Sydon’s HQ.

Fergus drew a steel, half-sword from the several he owned and slowly slid it into its sheath on his left side. He couldn’t get over Mary’s extraordinary presence of mind. She was in a terrible situation, but she had enough inner calm to be thinking about the upcoming assault. Have you uncovered more information?

Not exactly. Do you think you can still build a dreamglide?

Yes, of course. Why?

I’m thinking that if you could pilot your dreamglide into the bunker, you could gather the intelligence you’d need to attack Sydon’s HQ with very little loss of life. What do you think?

Fergus made quick calculations in his head, his nostrils flaring and elongating with the exciting possibilities inherent in her proposal. It hadn’t occurred to him to make use of his dreamglide ability in the course of a battle. He’d been thinking more like a wolf and a warrior. But Mary’s idea might be the turning point.

However, there was one thing he had to know. Didn’t Sandrine bring you down in your dreamglide?

That’s right, but she wasn’t as preoccupied as she will be now. I think you can get in without being noticed. Besides, the last thing she’ll expect is a wolf in a dreamglide.

Then I’ll give it a shot because this could change everything. I’ll get back to you when I’m in position. It won’t be but a couple minutes now.

He heard the amusement in her voice as she responded, Well, you know where I’ll be.

God, I love you.

Back atcha, wolf. Now get going.

Fergus returned to his strategy room and saw that Warren had arrived. “I’m going after Mary right now.”

Warren’s green eyes glittered. “And you’re sure she’s in Sydon’s bunker?”

“I am.”

“So, she’s not far from the bomb you told me about.”

“That’s right.”

“Why is that bomb even there?” Warren asked.

“Best guess? Sydon could detonate it anytime he wanted, especially if the place was overrun. He could escape his bunker at the last minute, and still take out a lot of lives in the process.”

Warren’s expression grew solemn. “From the size of it, I think he could take out half the block. So, what’s the plan?”

Fergus tried not to think about Mary’s proximity to Sydon’s contingency explosives. “I’m about to find out Mary’s exact position within Sydon’s HQ.”

“How are you going to do that?”

Fergus smiled slowly. “I’m going to use my dreamglide.”

Warren held his gaze. “So, you’re like the other border patrol men who’ve bonded with their women and now you have fae powers.”

“That’s the way of it.”