At that, she smiled. And one last thing. Sandrine will soon think about using a killing spell on Mary. Apparently, Sydon is about to show a little too much interest in taking Mary to bed.

These last words created the right imagery to spur Fergus forward. He headed toward the door.

Sharon called after him. I won’t be back, Fergus. Be sure to let Mary know I think the world of her and that I wish you both well.

Reaching for the door, he glanced at her over his shoulder. Will do. And thanks, Sharon.

With another quirky smile, she saluted him then disappeared.

~ ~ ~

Mary’s eyes rolled back in her head and she couldn’t focus. Her vision was blurred. She ached in strange places, which made her howl softly.

The humans, four strong men, had come to her front door and broken it down. She’d tried to fight them off, but they were heavily muscled and knew what they were doing. They’d pinned her to the couch, roped off her arm, and shot her up with amber flame.

She’d passed out.

Now she lay on the purple velvet couch in Sydon’s office. She could smell Sandrine’s dark, smoky scent nearby, and she could feel the witch’s powerful drive to kill her.

But there was another smell now, very wolf that kept teasing the insides of her legs all the way to her sex.

She ground her hips into the cushion. She needed sex and she needed it now.

Oh, dear God, she’d forgotten this aspect of amber flame, how it affected female wolves, making them ready to work the sex clubs. All she wanted right now was a man between her legs, any man, and the scent that kept her in an aroused state was very male.

Her first impulse was to sit up and maybe attack the next male wolf she saw. Instead, the fae part of her kept her very still. As much as she was able, she needed to think.

Her gaze became fixed on Sydon. A very distant part of her brain despised him for the killer he was. But the part doused with amber flame thought he’d never looked better in his snug gray t-shirt and leathers. Right afterward, however, the fae part of her made a disgusted snort inside her head. That helped.

She looked away from him.

What she didn’t understand was why she was still alive. What was Sydon’s game? Or Sandrine’s, for that matter?

“Looks like our guest is waking up.”

“Would you just kill her, Sandrine, and get it over with? I have a territory … to take … over.” Sydon must have caught Mary’s scent, because he stopped what he was doing and turned to stare at her.

He moved suddenly in Mary’s direction.

“Sydon, my love, what’s going on?”

“Can’t you smell her? The woman is part wolf now.”

“What?” Sandrine almost shouted the word.

“Yes, she’s wolf the way you are and she’s ripe. Her scent is pouring off of her now because of the drug. A good fuck is just what I need before we launch. Besides, if you didn’t want me to take her, why did you shoot her up with amber flame?”

“I didn’t know that it would affect her like this. She can’t be part wolf. She’s a Revel fae.”

“You’re part wolf,” Sydon state reasonably.

“Shit. You’re right.”

She then moved to float in front of Sydon, levitating to compensate for their height difference and took his face in her hands.

Mary still had enough of a survival instinct not to get caught between Sandrine and her man, but it was hard as hell to stay put. Amber flame was doing a number on her libido.

“Look at me.” Sandrine’s voice carried a dedicated resonance. She followed with a soft speech Mary could hardly make out, though she kept repeating something about staying focused on ‘Amber Flame Rising’.