FERGUS GREW VERY still. He tried to reach Mary a couple more times, but nothing returned. His fae senses confirmed what he already knew, that Sydon had sent humans to shoot Mary up with amber flame and drag her out of her home.

The war room disappeared from his vision and every one of his wolves fell silent.

He heard only the sound of his rough breathing, which came out in short gusts, like intermittent gunfire.

Mary was gone, taken by a monster.

He could hardly think, and he sure as hell didn’t know what to do. Only one thing became clear to him. He had to get Mary back. But how?

He felt his neck arch and knew he was close to letting loose with an agonized howl. But he couldn’t do that right now, not in front of his pack.

He contacted Warren telepathically and let him know what had happened. Warren already knew that Mary had gone back a second time in her dreamglide to gather the information about the bomb.

What do you need me to do? Warren asked.

You’d better get over here and bring a squad with you. At the very least, I’ll need you to liaison with the rest of the packs.

I’m with you, brother.

Fergus’s throat tightened. Thanks.

Whatever happened with Sydon’s assault, Fergus had to find some way of getting Mary safely out of the bunker. The counter-attack wouldn’t begin for at least a half hour, so he had time to figure things out and put a plan together.

Needing a minute alone, he turned the pack over to Ryan, then left the room. He couldn’t feel his feet as he moved. Maybe he was levitating; he wasn’t sure. His heart pounded in his chest.

Sydon and his witch had taken Mary well before sundown.

Jesus. They must have used humans.

His limbs shook with a profound drive to go after her. But a hasty move could jeopardize not only her life, but the counter-attack as well.

He headed back to the guest room and shut the soundproof door. He paced at the foot the bed. ‘Fuck’ became his mantra. The word burned the air repeatedly.

He clenched his fists. The wolf in him wanted to run, something that would help the raw state of his nerves, but he didn’t have time for that. He had no way of getting to Mary.

Frustration caused the dam to break. He dropped on all fours, shifting at the same time, then lifted his neck and howled over and over.

Fully wolf, he called for his alpha-mate, for Mary, for the woman he loved.

There was his greatest truth, fully acknowledged: He loved Mary and he needed her. He had from the moment he’d held her in his arms during her rescue from Roche’s sex club. His wolf had recognized her for exactly who she was in his life, his woman, his mate.

He’d known it all along, of course, but he’d refused to allow himself to see it. He howled some more, then guilt struck because if he’d permitted himself to bond with her when he’d had the chance, she would never have gone back to her house. She’d be with him right now. She’d be safe.

After a minute, his howls ceased and his mind began to grow calm.

Reason returned.

He’d kept himself separated from Mary in the same way he’d built a heavy steel door between himself and Sharon.

But the same door that had been useful to keep his pack safe in his early alpha days now seemed obsolete. Maybe it had been for a long time.

With powerful intent, he mentally bulldozed the damn thing down. And as he did, a fresh breeze blew through his soul.

A familiar woman’s voice entered mind. Fergus, I’m here. Let me help.

Fergus turned and saw a misty form taking shape. He recognized Sharon immediately and flowed back into his human form to speak with her.