She reached out with her fae senses. The sound of Fergus’s howls had created a physical ache in her body, something so deep she wondered if she would ever be free of it.

She didn’t understand what she’d heard or why she was feeling this way or even what to do about it.

Except for one thing, maybe the only thing that would be of any help right now.

She lay down on the couch and stretched out. She dropped quickly into her deep meditation and created her dreamglide. She focused on Fergus and found him.

He was asleep in the guest room in his compound. She could see him, covered in sweat and thrashing. He howled in his sleep as well. But because the room was soundproof there was no one to come to him and wake him up.

She couldn’t even go to him in real-time, not until the sun set.

Suddenly, Sharon was next to her. He looks pretty upset. Wonder what he’s dreaming about.

I have no idea.

Sharon frowned. Well, do something, would you? He’s in bad shape here.

I intend to. The problem is, it’s highly illegal, but I’m doing it anyway.

Sharon’s ghostly brows rose as she stared at Mary. Good for you.

Mary ignored her. She still wasn’t sure why Sharon was hanging around, but right now she didn’t care. She slowly dipped the dreamglide lower and lower onto the bed. She stretched out on the bottom of the strange dream-world vehicle until she made contact with Fergus’s body. She began drifting into his mind and his dreams, without his permission. If caught doing something like this, she could be prosecuted and jailed.

She didn’t see specific images so much as a boiling cloud of smoke. She began calling to him softly. Fergus, I‘m here. Come to me. Be with me in the dreamglide the way you were before Sydon tried to kill you.


Yes, I’m here. Relief flooded her. She hadn’t known what to expect, but her greatest fear was that she wouldn’t be able to reach him.

The smoke cleared and there he was, standing in front of her. She rose quickly to her feet in the dreamglide.

He looked confused as he met her gaze. How are you here? He asked. Wait a minute. This is illegal.

Yep, the same way you originally came to me. I’ve broken into your dreams and now I’ve pulled you into in my dreamglide.

As he watched her, however, she felt something change within his heart. He smiled at her and she could feel the heavy steel door open wide.

“Mary,” he murmured softly. “Thank God you’re here. I need you.”

Before she could do or say anything, he crossed to her and took her in his powerful arms. The kiss that followed melted her all over again. When Fergus was in the dreamglide, the man she knew was all in, nothing held back, no steel doors, no the-pack-comes-before-all, just her and his profound affection for her, maybe even his love.

And she loved it. This was her profound reality as well, that when she was in the dreamglide, she didn’t hold anything back either. She wasn’t worried about the fact she was fae and he was an alpha wolf. All she cared about was feeling the strength of his arms around her, the feel of his muscled thighs, and the pulse of his tongue inside her mouth.

And right now, she had a glimpse of what Sharon had lost when Fergus had become alpha to the Gordion Pack.

Remembering why she’d come to him, she knew she had work to do. She drew back, though she couldn’t quite bring herself to let him go completely. Since the dreamglide was still directly above his bed, she glanced through the opaque floor to where he slept. He looked calmer now, as he should since she was with him. “Why the bad dreams, Fergus? You were howling in your sleep and you called to me.”

“I don’t want to talk about that. I just want to be with you.” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “You’re so beautiful.”

“And you’re handsome as hell, you big wolf, but why were you howling?”

He frowned slightly. “How did you know I was? This is soundproof and you live in Revel.”

“It seems odd to me as well. But your nightmare woke me up and whether you like it or not, we’re connected. So, what’s going on with you?”

He looked down as well this time, looking at himself through the floor of the dreamglide. But he kept a firm hold on her, his arms still wrapped around her. “Jesus, I’m covered in sweat.”

“You’ve calmed down. When I first arrived, you were thrashing. Something’s not right with you, Fergus. You’ve got to figure this out.”