Hopping off the bed, he took her ankles in hand, then pulled her over to the side.

“Oh, my,” she murmured, her eyes wide once more.

When he dropped to his knees on the floor and spread her legs wide, her wolf’s voice uttered a howling growl. Oh, Fergus, you do know how to please me, slid from her mind to his.

He wasn’t about to leave Mary unsatisfied.

~ ~ ~

Mary lay on her back and gasped as Fergus’s tongue touched the sensitive folds of her sex. She groaned heavily. How did he know she needed this?

She’d felt like a failure, though she knew at the exact same time she didn’t need to feel that way.

But Fergus asking her to bond was a huge step for him and she’d felt the answering tug in her body that had told her it was possible. And she suddenly wanted it so much.

Yet, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t complete the connection.

She just didn’t know why.

She also thought that Fergus taking their lovemaking into the bedroom was an extraordinary act of perception and kindness.

As her body began to heat up again with each lick of his tongue, as shivers chased themselves up and down the insides of her thighs, her heart warmed as well. Tears sprouted to her eyes. She felt so much in this moment. She knew she was in love with Fergus. But right now she loved him.

Desire began to rise again, even more intense than before He’d proven himself in a way he’d probably never understand, and she felt her heart reach for him. The deep, internal tugging sensation within her abdomen returned, and she wondered if now she could bond with him.

But her fae senses rose, and she had an insight that startled her. The bond hadn’t failed because of her, but because Fergus wasn’t ready.

This was about Fergus. Not her.

She glanced down at him, at the sensuality of his movements, of his tongue and his mouth, his long black hair dragging over her skin with each glide of his head. He was loving on her sex the way he’d been with her from the first, a perfect, attentive lover.

She reached down and stroked his hair, the ends wet from the bath. He looked up at her, his dark eyes laden with passion.

Are you enjoying my tongue, Mary?

“Yes,” she whispered. “But I want more. Take me from behind, Fergus, right now. I want your teeth on my neck again, but in real-time.”

Fergus rose and leaped at her. She was airborne before she’d finished the sentence.

As he’d been in the dreamglide, he clamped his jaws around the back of her neck, securing her before he entered her.

She howled. And with the arch of her neck, his wolf teeth moved, accommodating her, yet holding her tight at the same time. The pleasure of this act was more intense than anything she’d ever known.

She felt him take his cock in hand and position himself at her opening. He pushed inside in strong thrusts and she grunted with each one, then howled again.

When he set a strong rhythm, his wolf-jaw holding her in place, she felt the same internal bonding tug that seemed to reach toward her sex. Yet this time, she also felt the wall between them that now made sense, and it emanated from Fergus.

She wouldn’t be his alpha-mate. Not tonight.

Yet right now, it didn’t matter. She loved being with him, sharing his body and enjoying the wildness of sex with him. It was enough.

You’re mine, Mary.

I’m yours. Love for him flowed through her, combining with a sudden wave of pure passion, driving her toward ecstasy. She loved his mind and his heart, the strength of his body, his commitment to the pack.

The feel of him holding her tight with the animal power of his jaw lit up her sex. She began to howl in long, thrilling cries.

He released her neck so he could howl as well. His hands gripped her and held her in place as he plowed into her from behind.