She drew in a long stream of air. “Me, too. Both.”

The wind of the dreamglide pushed him on. Mary held tight to his shoulders so that he pistoned wildly inside her now. He felt her sex rippling over his cock in that way of hers. Her lips parted and the sweetest yet most erotic howl left her throat.

Her internal muscles pulled on him, but he didn’t come. Instead, he caught her gaze. “Bond with me, Mary.”

She was breathing hard, his cock plunging in and out as he held her steady. The water splashed outside the tub. Fur sprouted on his chest, around his ankles and along the insides of his thighs.

She cried out. “Your scent, Fergus, my God! It’s ten times stronger when you show fur.”

“You’re smelling my bonding scent. Join with me, right now. Be my alpha-mate.” He didn’t know how it happened, but in the dreamglide he leaped on Mary, as a wolf would, while at the same time transforming back into his human shape. She did as well, though she stayed on all fours. He bit the back of her neck hard and she arched her throat, howling.

She howled in the bathtub in the same way.

In the dreamglide, he penetrated her from behind and the dual sensation almost made him come, but he held back, gritting his teeth. He was ready to mate with her, if only she could do it.

He released another powerful wave of his bonding scent, hoping this would encourage the bond. In real-time, he watched her back arch.

“I can feel it now,” she said, “deep in my abdomen, reaching into my sex. I’ve felt this tugging sensation before. It’s a female wolf bonding response, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. Do it, Mary. You can do it. I know you can.” He felt desperate. His hips slowed, in both real-time and the dreamglide as he waited for her.

He could feel how hard she was trying, yet something still wasn’t right.

And it might never be.

Then just like that, the bond failed and the moment slipped away.

Her voice entered his mind. I’m sorry, Fergus. I can’t seem to complete the process. I want to, but I don’t know how. I think my faeness is getting in the way.

He slowed the movement of his hips in both dimensions, then finally stopped though he didn’t disconnect from her. In the dreamglide, he kissed the back of her neck over and over. He needed her to feel how much he was enjoying being with her even if the bond hadn’t succeeded.

He knew she would feel bad about it and he could sense the shift in her. In real-time, he slid his arms around her back and brought her down to his chest, holding her close. The warm water swirled over them both.

Slowly, he pulled them both out of the dreamglide.

“I’m so sorry, Fergus,” she murmured, her lips warm against skin.

“You don’t need to apologize. Not at all.”

He had only one goal: To take her the rest of the way.

“Hang on,” he whispered against her ear. While holding her close, he levitated straight out of the tub, but remained horizontal.

With her eyes wide, she lifted her head to stare at him. “What are you doing?” She even laughed.

He smiled. “Taking you to bed. We’re not done yet, Sweetheart. Not by a long shot.” He zipped through the bathroom and into the bedroom. He didn’t care that they were both dripping.

Slowly, he levitated them to an upright position, though he kept her cradled against him. When he reached the bed, he shifted her to hold her with one arm, then levitated low enough to grab the comforter with his free hand. He whipped it back, then let it fall to the floor. Pink rose petals flew everywhere.

He performed another aerial maneuver, stretching out horizontally once more with Mary on top of him as they’d been in the bathtub. He then dropped onto the sheets, landing on his back with a plop, which made her laugh all over again.

He loved the sound. Maybe the bonding hadn’t happened, but he intended to make the most of their time together.

“I have an idea.” He gently rolled her onto her back next to him. “Stay right here.”

“What are you doing?” She lifted up on her elbows.

His lips quirked. “You’ll see.”