Fergus wanted more information and got Harley on his cell. “What’s he doing now?”

“He’s just sitting there,” Harley responded, with a wolf grunt. “Like a fucking statue. And he won’t talk, not a single word.”

“Which is odd for Sydon who loves to flap his gums.”

Sydon was a powerful mix of educated and fucked-up. Any wolf who would rig up a skewer for a dominance match, then use it on a powerful alpha, worked on a different plane than everybody else. Fergus felt in his gut the man was psychotic.

But along with Sydon’s twisted view of the world came a kind of charisma that drew dozens of loyal rogues to his service.

Instinctively, Fergus knew Sydon was up to something. He’d already coordinated the sniper-attack in the forest opposite Warren’s house, which meant he was communicating with his troops. He probably had been from the time Fergus had locked him up.

“Thanks, Harley. Keep a close watch on him.”

“Will do.”

When Mary returned to the living room, she wore a fresh pair of jeans, though a darker blue this time, and a black top with a narrow silver belt at the waist. She’d pulled back a portion of her long, blond hair, setting off her full cheekbones.

His chest expanded at the sight of her, and his feet were in motion before she’d taken five steps into the room.

He took her rolling flight bag from her, which made her brows lift. “That’s not necessary. Honest, it’s not heavy.”

“I know. But let me do it for you anyway.”

She stared at him for a long moment, then smiled. “I’m so used to doing things for myself that your offer took me by surprise. But, thanks. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Are you ready to head back to Warren’s?”

“I am. I heard you talking earlier. Was that Warren?”

“No. It was Harley, my number one. He’ll be an alpha soon.”

She got a funny look on her face. “Which one is he?”

Fergus had to remind himself that she’d been in the dreamglide the night prior, hovering over his entire compound. She’d probably seen Harley, but didn’t know who he was. “He’s a couple inches shorter than me, has light blue eyes and long auburn hair. He wears a double braid on the left side of his head.”

“I remember him now.”

When she got very quiet, he asked, “Can you pick him out of the crowd as you review your memories?”

“He was imprisoned when we arrived, wasn’t he?”

“That’s right.”

When she still remained quiet, he turned to her. “What gives?”

He was surprised by the shocked-out look on her face. “I don’t know. Would it be fair to say he’s your most trusted wolf?”

“Yes.” Fergus felt irritated by Mary’s current state, as though she knew something she didn’t want to say. “Mary, tell me what’s going on.”

“And you trust Harley?”

“Yes. I have no reason not to, but I take it you have a concern?”

She blinked several times in a row and he could feel her distress. “Fergus, I know two things right now: How much you trust him even to the marrow of your wolf bones. But I also know you need to be careful. Something isn’t right with him.”

Her words angered

him. She didn’t even know Harley, yet somehow she’d judged him.