His gaze fell to her breasts, then her wrists. “You’re displaying like a female wolf.”

“Not as much as a real wolf, but yes, I am.” He had thick black bands of fur around his ankles. She leaned down and rubbed her nose along the line of fur, flaring her nostrils to capture the depth of his scent. She rubbed her hands over his legs, taking her time to feel the muscles along the way. His skin had a golden hue and the earthy layers of his scent floated in the air above him, beckoning her on, of stone, musk and grass.

He took deep breaths as though in pain. She understood. Whatever scent he released that had her sex swollen and ready, she was doing the same for him. It was a magical kind of agony.

She rubbed his thighs and spread his legs. His testicles were cloaked in thickly ribbed protective skin. She felt them, caressing and savoring. His seed would come from this place and she wanted his essence inside her, causing the ripples he’d created before, the strange sensation that had added so much extraordinary pleasure during the peak of ecstasy.

A new line of black fur formed suddenly on the insides of his thighs, drawing her close. She bent and nuzzled the fur, then his testicles and finally licked a long line up his cock all the way to the dip in the crown.

He groaned heavily, a low almost grunting sound.

She placed her hands on his abdomen and traced the deep lines that angled away from his cock, leading to his pelvic bones. He was pure animal and so beautiful she felt turned inside out.

Because he fisted the wrought iron of the headboard, his abs were taut. She spent time slowly palming each rise and fall. She buried her nose in the erotic V of fur as well.

Her nipples were hard and she was wet between her legs. Everything about Fergus turned her on.

She shifted slightly and played with his pecs, taking his left nipple in her mouth. She sucked heavily, wanting him to release a wolf flavor into her mouth.

When he did, she drew away from his nipple, arched her back and a low, sexy howl left her throat. It was punctuated with three successive, but very soft, barks.

Fergus groaned and growled deep in his throat, adding to her arousal.

She did the same with his other nipple, sucking hard. He continued to growl the entire time and made wolf huffing noises with his throat. When he once more released the flavor she needed, she howled again, and kept howling.

She couldn’t move. She was so full of need, she felt frozen, yet waiting, her throat open, her voice singing.

Her eyes were closed as she felt the bed move slightly. A moment later, his warm palm caressed her stomach just below her navel. Slowly, he slid his hand up her abdomen and fondled her breasts. She remained in the same position, her back arched.

As he leaned close and suckled her breasts in turn, her howls finally ceased. This was what she’d been calling for. She needed Fergus touching and using her body.

She felt as though she was floating when he picked her up in his arms and laid her out on the bed beneath him.

Using his hands, he stroked her arms, her chest, her fingers, her hips. Lower he went, caressing her between her legs. She felt lost in a place of bliss more profound than she’d ever known.

“Fergus.” She spoke his name, but only to warn him she intended to move things along. Without saying anything else, she gave shape to her dreamglide and pulled him inside.

Within the identical space, though hovering above the real-time bed, he stopped touching her and looked at her.

The memories of all their times together once more flowed through her.

She looked at him, then down at the bed beneath the dreamglide. He lay stretched out beside her in real-time.

She felt Fergus’s power begin to move and something magical happened as she watched him become one with the Fergus on the bed. “Fergus, do you see that? This is all happening at the same time. And we’re fully conscious in both places.”

“You’re right, I can feel you in real-time and in the dream-glide.” His movements were in tandem. He touched her on the bed and in the dreamy state of the glide at the same time.

“The air feels charged.” His power radiated over her body. Something locked into place and she knew she was one with herself on the bed in real-time as well. She didn’t know something like this could happen, but she sensed it was because of how they were together, the power they created between them.

It was an extraordinary doubling of sensations as he leaned down to her and took her breast in his mouth once more. The suckling arched her back all over again.

What she knew to be a dreamglide wind began to blow, moving her and rolling her yet keeping her in one position at the same time. Pleasure grew as she tumbled through time and space, as he suckled harder. Using his fingers, he pierced her between her legs and began a strong, erotic thrust.

She began to howl again, a high, keening sound that prompted him to move his fingers more swiftly. The ripples returned, intensifying every sensation.


enly, the orgasm barreled down on her, throwing her around in the dreamglide until ecstasy peaked. Her howl sounded like a cry in the wild. On and on the orgasm rolled, pleasure flooding her abdomen, her chest, her mind.