With his men hunting through the halls, Fergus waited in the central broad hallway of the third level, which housed a long oval running track. Any of the wolves could use it when they needed to take off on all fours.

At least forty Gordion wolves, male and female, were found on the third level, all in hiding. Fergus told them to be very quiet, though most of the women had tears running down their cheeks and at least half reached out and physically touched him.

He examined every person. He found bruises on many of them and healing cuts on quite a few. It was clear Sydon and his men had brutalized the entire pack.

Those who had previously served in guard capacity for Fergus were given weapons that came from Sydon’s men. With his team’s number now at nearly thirty, he instructed them to do a dedicated search of the second and ground levels.

He knew Warren’s team would scour the exterior of the compound and the nearby pine trees.

Fergus stayed on the second level while his men did the search. More wolves emerged from hiding places. At least a hundred of his pack of six hundred were now gathered on the second level.

He did the same as before. Despite the fact he could feel Sydon’s bond on his pack, more wolves wept and touched him. He searched the faces of everyone present and comforted those he could.

What surprised Fergus was that there was no sign of any of the rogue wolves. Somehow each had been given the order to retreat and they’d taken off. Which meant Sydon had power, not a good sign. No matter what happened in the coming dominance battle, Sydon wasn’t going away anytime soon.

Warren contacted him soon after. We found no sign of Sydon’s men on the outside of the compound. We’re combing the forest now.

Make sure you go cottage-by-cottage carefully.

You know we will. Warren’s deep voice had never sounded more serious.

Many of the pack homes had intricate dens belowground, but Warren knew that. His pack was similar, wolves being wolves.

Fergus contacted Mary and updated her. My team will be heading to the ground level in a few minutes. How are you doing?

r />

I’m fine. I’m still in the dreamglide. I’m searching your private rooms right now.

He heard her gasp suddenly, an odd telepathic sound.

Oh, dear God. Fergus, you need to get to your master bedroom immediately, but bring medical personnel with you. Several female wolves have been hurt. Bad.


MARY REMAINED HOVERING in her dreamglide above Fergus’s bed. She felt sick at heart at the sight before her, yet not surprised. Sydon was the monster who had skewered Fergus’s heart and sent wolf females to work in the cartel-run Naked Wolf club.

Why wouldn’t he have three women chained to Fergus’s bed?

They’d been beaten and the sight of amber flame markings on their cheeks, necks and wrists told its own tale. In addition, each wolf had an unusual amount of fur showing on her breasts and all down the insides of her thighs. Amber flame had a terrible quality of forcing a partial shift and creating a pseudo-animal experience.

During sex, the women would exhibit a wolf-like need to be on all fours and to be dominated. They would howl and thrash. The men who liked rough sex enjoyed taking advantage of the women further altered, if temporarily, by the drug.

She heard the door open and watched from above as Fergus entered the room. He’d done as she’d suggested and brought a medical team with him, including two women who offered soft wolf-grunts as they approached the bed. Even Mary could feel how comforting these sounds were to the injured women.

The wolves cowered at first as each was released from her shackles.

Fergus wisely remained near the door, though she felt his fury rising.


I’m here.

Can you dial it down? She asked.

What do you mean?

Your rage, Sweetheart. The women can feel it. Earlier he’d called her ‘Sweetheart’, but until she’d entered the dreamglide she hadn’t realized she’d used the endearment as well.