He arced well to the north of the Gordion Compound then circled back to come in from the east. To his surprise, he saw that though several of Sydon’s men milled around the front porch, most of these carried bottles of beer and no weapons. There wasn’t a single guard posted outside the actual structure, which meant that Sydon’s arrogance had left his flank exposed.

Fergus contacted Mary. We’re on the east side of my compound. Can you get us in unseen? He explained about the lack of exterior guards.

I’ll head in your direction, but you’ve got to move fast and do as I tell you each step of the way.


He counted the five seconds it took Mary to get back to him. Each one felt like an eternity.

All right, Fergus. The foyer is swarming with wolves, though half of them are drunk. I don’t see Sydon anywhere, but his execution team has levitated down to the lower levels. Can you arrange for one of your Gordion wolves, maybe a female carrying cleaning gear, to let you in through the east window of the living room?

I’ll get on it. He knew of one female wolf, Brynna, whom he could trust and who would have the presence of mind to perform this small act of subterfuge. It took a moment to contact her telepathically, but once he did, she said she was on it. He warned her about Sydon’s unruly bunch by the front entrance.

Don’t worry, Brynna telepathed. I can handle them and I’ll take the route through the kitchen. It shouldn’t be a problem getting the east window open.

But as soon as you’re done, Brynna, I want you of there.

You’d better believe I won’t stick around. Several of us are in hiding. I take it you’ve got a plan to get rid of this monster?

I do. And thanks.

My pleasure. And by the way, we’re so happy you’re alive. Warren let both Harley and Ryan know. The word spread fast. All right, I’m gathering supplies now.

Fergus kept his team hidden in the forest to the east of the compound. He relayed to them what Brynna was planning to do.

As soon as he saw Brynna pretending to wipe down the window, then open it, he checked the immediate area once more. He still couldn’t believe Sydon didn’t have a single wolf patrolling the exterior of the compound. Unbelievable.

Fergus moved swiftly to the window that led into the long living room. He rarely used this space and fortunately the thirty yards to the foyer, where Sydon’s wolves had gathered, would make it easier to sneak in.

By now, Brynna had already left the room. He lifted the lower portion of the window up and leaped inside, waving for Warren and his team to follow.

He moved toward the door leading to the hall and waited there. Though he could hear Sydon’s men in the foyer, he was stunned by how quiet the rest of the compound felt. Then again, he wasn’t.

By now, a good number of his people had probably escaped into the forest seeking shelter in several places he’d set up just for this contingency. The rest would be hiding out in their apartments, trying to fly below Sydon’s radar.

Mary’s voice hit his mind. I can see you’re in the house, but the crew near the front door has a direct line of sight to your doorway. Can you create a diversion outside? Otherwise you’ll never be able to get to the secret door.

I’m on it.

Fergus contacted Warren telepathically and let him know what needed to be done. Warren in turn sent one of his men outside into the nearby pine trees.

Mary, I’ve sent a man into the forest to make some noise. Let me know when we can head into the hall.

I’m watching the foyer now.

As directed, a sudden burst of automatic gunfire sounded to the east of the compound.

They’re heading out, Mary said. Hold. Hold. All right, you’re clear. Move!

Fergus didn’t hesitate, but levitated through the doorway and felt Warren and his men follow swiftly behind. He turned to the right, away from the foyer and flew swiftly to the end of the hall. Once there, he found the latch that opened the hidden door. Because a tall cabinet was attached, he moved it carefully.

The moment he had access to the secret passage, the well-trained warriors darted through the opening, each levitating to keep from making a sound on the stone floor.

Fergus went in last and closed the panel. To Mary, he said, We’re in.

No one saw you and I can keep up with you, so get moving, wolf.

Fergus loved the way she talked to him.