Those words did not help his groin at all. But he was feeling it, too, an overwhelming need to get inside her again. He’d kissed her to strengthen his bonding scent for Warren’s sake. But as he drew back, he had to work at re-learning how to breathe while at the same time doing math-sums in his head.

/> Mary didn’t look in much better shape. Her cheeks were flushed where he’d marked her, and she held both hands away from her body as though trying to regain her balance. Her lips were swollen, her eyes glittering.

That’s when he caught her scent as well, part fae and now, yup, part wolf. It still shocked him that he and Mary were caught in a strange sharing of alter abilities. What the hell was happening between them?

Sure, he’d seen this first-hand between Brannick and Juliet, but now the same phenomenon was making him question everything he knew about living in Five Bridges.

“You’re sharing powers, aren’t you?” Warren’s voice had a good effect since it drew Fergus’s attention away from Mary.

He turned slightly to meet Warren’s gaze. “We are. It’s strange as hell.”

He heard Mary take a shuddering breath as he left her. He then moved back to the side of the map table.

Warren murmured, “Thank you for that. I suggest you do it a few more times throughout the night. It helps.”

Fergus caught Warren’s almost tortured gaze, then slid into telepathy. But it’s Mary, isn’t it? I’m not just imagining that she’s alpha-mate material?

She is. I felt it the moment I arrived in the Graveyard last night. It shocked the hell out of me.

Against his will, Fergus stiffened. “Did you hit on her?” He asked aloud. The question was completely out of line, but again his mate-hunting cycle had also reached its peak and he had to know.

Warren pressed his fist against his own chest. “On my honor, no, Fergus. I knew even then she was yours. Besides, we were a little busy getting your ass into a sling for transport, if you recall.”

Fergus squeezed his eyes shut for a long moment. He breathed through a powerful need to pound the shit out of Warren for being so close to Mary during the shared ordeal. “I know this is wrong, but I wish you hadn’t been anywhere near her.”

At that, Warren appeared to relax. “Well, I’ll say this. I’m glad I was there, because if I hadn’t been, you’d be worm-fodder.”

Fergus chuckled. “You’re right. I would.”

Fergus? Mary’s telepathic voice pulled his attention away from Warren, but she wasn’t standing at end of the table anymore. In fact, he couldn’t see her at all.

He rushed toward the door, but found her unconscious on the floor where she’d last been standing.

What the hell?

She was stretched out on the woven carpet, her blond hair laying in a thick wave off to the side. He didn’t know what was wrong with her.

He picked up her hand and patted it. Mary? What’s going on? What happened? Are you okay?

Fergus, relax, I’m in the dreamglide. Warren said we didn’t have time to mess around and there you both were sparring with each other. Anyway, I’m in the foyer of your compound. I focused on Sydon and found him. He’s getting his rogue wolves worked up. In a few minutes, he’s planning to send them to the dungeon to slaughter your men. But it won’t be anything tidy and neat like a few bullets; he’s ordering his men to use their swords.

I’m safe here for now in Warren’s strategy room, but you’ve only got a few minutes to save your wolves. I’ll stick close to Sydon’s team in the dreamglide to keep you informed.

As Fergus stood up, he realized how much he trusted Mary. He’d stake his life on the truth of everything she’d just told him.

He waved Warren forward and told him what was going on. Warren was right with him.

Fergus led the way back to the entrance area.

Once there, Warren ordered two of his troops to stand guard in front of the closed door of the strategy room. No one was to go inside. They were to guard the door and the Revel woman, Mary, with their lives.

The men lined up, somber as hell.

Warren then levitated swiftly in the direction of the back patio. He stood on the threshold of the doorway and barked a series of orders that separated a number of his wolves from the rest. This team levitated into the air. Not all wolves could levitate, only those with enough essential power

Once they moved into position, Warren turned to Fergus. “Lead the way. My team is yours.”

Fergus levitated in their direction. They were ten wolves strong, each armed to the hilt as Fergus shot into the night air and headed east. As fast as he flew, Warren and his men kept up with him.