In the dreamglide, the one we share.

At these words, she grew very still once more. “What do you mean, the one we share?”

He’d never expected that these would be the circumstances under which Mary would come to learn what they’d been doing together. She had no idea right now how much he’d grown to care for her or how many times they’d talked and shared their thoughts with each other.

Was it possible he’d fallen in love with her?

For a moment, as he watched her, he forgot about his plight in the Graveyard or how dizzy he felt or that death was riding his heels. Instead, his wolf was all about the barefoot woman in jeans and a purple silk tank.

She had large light brown eyes and a rich scent that captivated him, layered with roses and a sharp, wood-like yarrow. His nostrils fluttered. Even in the dreamglide he could catch her scent.

Her long, blond hair hung around her shoulders and down her back. He’d loved holding her thick hair in his hands when he made love to her, especially when he took her from behind. He’d slowly wrap the length around his forearm to control her. She’d howl softly, like a wolf despite the fact that she was a fae woman from Revel Territory.

“Fergus? Answer me. Are you still there?”

Sorry. Got distracted. Can you come to my dreamglide? I need to talk to you.

“Okay, but I don’t get it. How can you create a dreamglide? You’re a wolf. And are you saying we’ve been together in the dream-world?”

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. But you didn’t want to know what we were up to, so you set up blocks.

She put a hand to her breast. “You mean, you and I have been together?”


“Physically? As in sex?”


The full month that they’d been lovers, since he’d helped rescue her from Neal Roche’s perverted sex club, had been the most satisfying and intense four weeks of his life. Mary had been a willing, enthusiastic participant in the dreamglide, but she’d refused to let her real-time self know that she was involved with him.

Mary didn’t like wolves.

“Fergus, I’m so confused. Wait a minute, what did you mean, you’re dying?”

The dizziness increased as he explained about Sydon and the dominance challenge.

Mary blew the air from her cheeks a couple of times. “And you say you’re in the Graveyard?”

I am, but I’m fading.

“All right, let me think.” He watched her move to the couch and stretch out. “Okay, I want you to pull me into your dreamglide, then take me where your body is.”

Got it.

As Mary began dropping into a meditative state that would allow her to join him, his dizziness grew more intense. He felt the dreamglide falter. Summoning his strength once more, he pulled the remnants of his consciousness together and kept his dreamglide intact. But he could tell he was slipping away.

~ ~ ~

Mary lay on the couch and breathed deeply. She didn’t understand what was happening at all. Fergus was here, in a dreamglide, one that he said he’d built, which was impossible. Fergus was a wolf from savage Territory. Wolves didn’t have the power to even enter a dreamglide by themselves, never mind build one.

Worse still, how could she have been with him in his dreamglide for the past month and not have had an inkling in real-time? Talk about denial.

But if what he said was true, and he was near-death, she’d worry about their sexual relationship later.

As she fell deeper into her meditation, she focused on Fergus. Though he’d saved her life over a month ago, she’d never really met him. She’d been unconscious when he’d carried her out of a prison-like cell where Neal Roche had held her captive. Later, she’d done a search on the web, so she knew what he looked like. He was a handsome man, with long, thick, black hair that had an intricate braid on the right side.

She held that image now in her mind.