Mary had no idea what she was talking about, but it sounded like Sharon had cheated on Fergus. “You had an affair?”

Several, but this one proved deeply unsatisfying.

“Did Fergus know?”

Didn’t have a clue and you’re not to tell him. She looked Mary up and down. He’s got the wolf-hots for you and by the odor in the air, I’m thinking your fae ass would like to be all over him. But in real-time, not this dreamglide shit. Oh, don’t look so shocked. I’m here because I have a debt to pay and I’m supposed to help you out, or both of you, I still don’t know. The full scope of my orders is as yet unclea


Mary blinked several times in a row. “What are you talking about?”

Sharon floated down to the floor then crossed to stand in front of Mary. Well aren’t you a tall one. Jesus, you could have been a model. Instead, you like cutting open small animals. You psychotic or something?

Mary’s nostrils flared. “I’m a vet.”

Which war?

Mary got that a lot. “Do I look like a soldier?”

Sharon pursed her lips. I guess not.

Mary was out of her depth with this woman, this ghost. She needed a shower and some time alone. Moving into the master bath, she shook her head at the sight of herself in the mirror. Her hair stuck out in all directions.

Yeah, you look pretty grimy, yet still Fergus wants you.

Mary met Sharon’s gaze in the mirror. “You’re not going away anytime soon, are you?”

Nope. I’ve got a score to settle here in Five Bridges, among other things.

“I’m taking a shower. The night was long, the day longer, and I have a feeling things are about to get worse.”

Sharon lifted her strong, arched brows. Don’t mind me. You do whatever you need to do.

Mary didn’t know what to make of a sudden ghost intrusion into her life, especially since she happened to be Fergus’s deceased wife. It was too weird.

Mary ignored the fact that the woman remained leaning against the doorjamb and watching her. She stripped out of her silk tank, jeans and underwear. Her muscles ached from the night’s activity and from sleeping on a way-too-firm surgical table. She needed to focus on her own self-healing.

She switched on the water and waited until it warmed. Stepping beneath the spray, she moaned softly, though it came out a little hoarse, the way a wolf might moan.

That’s one of the things I miss, Sharon called out. A good, hot shower.

Mary ignored her.

But that didn’t stop Sharon from continuing. I miss all the tactile sensations, like warm water beating down on your shoulders and back. Lips touching lips. Oh, and Fergus’s cock as deep as he can get it.



“Shut the fuck up.”

She heard a ghostly laugh that sounded like wind through the trees. So, you’ve got some grit. Good. You’re going to need it.

Mary glanced in Sharon’s direction, ready to start yelling at her, but nothing was there. She could feel that the woman had left.

Had she offended her? Somehow, that seemed impossible since Sharon clearly had a pretty thick skin.

But why on earth was she even in her home?