Page 91 of The Choice

“You’re right.” Heavenly swallowed tightly as Chet fastened a bungee cord to their harnesses. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Just…hold on tight and don’t let go.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” Beck grinned.

She was trembling like a leaf as he helped her onto the edge of the bridge. She peeked down before jerking her head up, fear and excitement all over her face. “Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.”

Her quivering mantra made him smile. He lifted her stare to his and stroked her cheek. “Trust me, little girl.”

She dragged in a breath and sent him a resolute nod.

“Tell me you do,” he commanded in a low, Dominant voice.

“Yes,” she assured. “I trust you.”

“Good girl.”

Wrapping her in his arms with a hold that promised he’d never let her go, Beck listed to the side…and together, they took the plunge, tumbling off the bridge and freefalling into the craggy jaws of the canyon.

Heavenly’s eyes were as huge as saucers as she screamed at the top of her lungs all the way down. But by the time the cord grew taut and yanked them back into the air, she was laughing spontaneously, the sound full of joy.

It echoed inside him. “You really do trust me.”

“What do you think?” She let go of her death grip on his torso and cupped his face. “Of course.”

A loopy grin curled his mouth up. Fuck Seth. Heavenly was going to be his—no hesitation, no questions, no doubt—starting now.

As she dangled in the air, her blond hair fanned out around her face like a halo of pure golden sunshine. Her blue eyes sparkled, and Beck couldn’t wait another second to claim her plump, perfect lips.

He cupped her nape, leaning in for the kiss he’d been dreaming about for endless weeks. Heavenly moaned. Oh, yeah… He’d be happy to make her moan all night, every night.

Before he could move in, a look of panic flashed across her face. Jerking from his grasp, she twisted her head to the side, body bucking, as she promptly vomited into the canyon.

“Oh, baby.” He quickly gathered her hair up into his fist and held her close as she retched. “You’re okay. It’s an adrenaline crash. Let it out. You’ll feel better.”

“No…” she groaned, refusing to look at him. “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so embarrassed.”

Beck cupped her cheek and forced her gaze his way. “Don’t feel bad. It’s not the first time I’ve seen someone vomit, you know. I shouldn’t have pushed you so quickly past your…” limits. “Comfort zone. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I agreed to jump. It was fun…until I got sick.”

The bungee cord jerked and they began rising toward the bridge.

At the top, the crowd patted her on the back and doled out congratulations. Beck smiled as she softly thanked them, then hid her red face in Beck’s chest.

“Don’t worry about it. Puke happens more than you can imagine. Congratulations on your first jump.” Chet grinned as he removed the harnesses.

Beck led her away from the edge, under the canopy, and pointed to a bench. Once she sat, he plied her with water, a granola bar, and more grapes. He felt her forehead and checked her eyes until she swatted his hand away.

“I’m fine. Just humiliated.”

“Don’t be.”

“I almost threw up all over you.”

“But you didn’t. Besides, how many men out there can say they made their girl throw up on their third date?”

She scowled. “I’m not sure that’s something you should brag about.”

“Then I’ll brag about you. Having you jump with me meant more than you’ll ever know.”

No, he couldn’t tell her that, in his eyes, she’d proven they were suited for each other. They had great chemistry, she was open to kink, and she was willing to put herself in his hands. He wished like hell he’d claimed her very first kiss today. But he would taste her. Soon.

Once he was certain she was stable enough to hike back down the mountain, Beck tucked her against his side. When they reached the car, he opened the passenger door.

Heavenly paused and sent him a weak smile. “You might not believe this, but I had an awesome time today. Now I know what a bird feels like when it’s soaring through the air. It’s so…”


“Yes.” She nodded enthusiastically. “Freeing and totally amazing.”

Beck just smiled. She had no clue yet, but one day soon he would send her soaring in so many amazingly freeing ways.


The following Wednesday, Beck waited for Heavenly outside the hospital cafeteria. He hadn’t stopped thinking about their bungee date, hadn’t stopped wishing he’d had the chance to kiss her. He’d been looking forward to it, counting on it. Hell, craving it.

But he would taste her lips—and the rest of her body—soon. Already, he was planning another opportunity to get her alone.

The ding of the elevator snagged his attention. As the doors parted, he turned and watched people crowd into the hallway. Heavenly wasn’t among them. Beck glanced at his watch, scowling.