Page 89 of The Choice

Heavenly’s question had exposed her insecurity. On one hand, it helped because a Dom couldn’t guide a sub without knowing her strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, it pissed him off that Seth had wounded her when he’d disappeared. So he squelched the jealous urge to make her choose and focused on implementing the last phase of his plan. If today went well, he’d hopefully leave Seth in the dust.

“Not a chance in hell. I won’t like it, but I won’t rush you to make up your mind.”

“Thanks.” She squeezed his hand and sent him a relieved smile. “I appreciate your patience.”

“Sure.” Beck wanted to growl that he’d been fucking patient, but he’d once told her he could be a patient man. Now he had to show her. “You ready for an adventure?”


The excited smile spreading over her face rivaled the sun. She was beauty, grace, and light. And for today, she was all his.

“Then let’s do this.”

When they climbed from the car, Beck grabbed his backpack and slid it over his shoulders, then wrapped an arm around Heavenly’s waist. As he led her up the uneven trail, they talked and laughed, stopping to rest in the shade and share the water and snacks he’d stashed.

Standing against a sturdy alder tree, Beck lifted a plump red grape to her lips. Their eyes locked. His heart revved and roared when Heavenly parted for him, biting the grape between her teeth. Barely containing a feral growl, he dragged his fingers over the soft texture of her lips as she bit down into the juicy morsel. He’d give anything to sink his teeth into the other half and devour her until they were a spent, sweating, panting tangle of arms and legs.

Not yet. Once he knew she trusted him, it was on. But until then, he had to dial it back. Maybe he’d already said too much, but instinct told him she would come through. That she belonged to him.

If she didn’t, it would gut him.

After the brief respite, he tucked the snacks away, tried not to wince at his pulsing erection, and hoisted the pack back over his shoulders.

As they continued their trek up the mountain, he pointed out a pair of whitetail deer.

“They’re so graceful and beautiful,” she whispered, her voice awe-filled. “Do you think we’ll see more?”

“Maybe. Keep your eyes open.”

As they got closer to their destination, they didn’t encounter more wildlife, just raucous laughter and high-pitched screams. Beck’s gut knotted with tension. In less than thirty minutes, he’d finally know if he had been pointlessly pining over Heavenly for the past three months…or whether they had a future.

“What’s going on over that hill? Sounds like a party.”

Beck squeezed her waist and drew her to a halt. “This is the other part of my surprise. You’ll find out over the rise.” He plucked a black satin blindfold from his pocket and dangled it from his finger. “How brave are you, little girl?”

Heavenly stared at the shiny scrap of fabric with wide eyes. “Y-you want to blindfold me?”

“I do.” For starters…

Heavenly swallowed tightly. “What if I trip or stumble over something?”

“I’ll be right beside you, holding on, just like I’ve been since we started up this trail.” He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “I won’t let you fall.”

“I’ve never…”

“Worn a blindfold or let someone lead you through the wilderness?”


“Do you trust me?” he asked in a low, hoarse tone.


She didn’t hesitate, and Beck felt a surge of something more potent than hope and stronger than lust. It wrapped around his heart and squeezed until he almost couldn’t breathe.

“Then show me.”

With trembling fingers, Heavenly took the blindfold from him and positioned it over her eyes. As soon as she settled it in place, she wobbled at the loss of sight and reached for him, instantly putting herself in his hands, seeking his guidance.

Electric thrill pinged inside him.

“Oh, wow… I’m disoriented,” she murmured.

Gently, he turned her to ensure the elastic at the back of her head was secure, then he bent close to her ear. “I’ve got you. Ready?”

Heavenly nodded, but her breath came at an uneven, nervous pace. Beck wrapped her tightly against his side. She gripped him and held on for dear life as he carefully directed her up the incline. As they crested the slope, he guided her onto the flat concrete surface. The people gathered turned and grinned as he led her forward. Some gave him a thumbs-up.

Hearing the commotion, Heavenly tensed and slowed, as if unsure.

“Easy,” he murmured. “You’re safe with me. I promise.”

“Where are we, Beck? The wind is really blowing.”

He dialed back the urge to pump his fist in the air. Like a well-seasoned submissive, she was relying on sound, scent, sensation—and him. Toying with a sweet sub’s senses was one of the many reasons he loved blindfolds.