Page 63 of The Choice

“Okay. We can head over there now, then decide if you want to go someplace else or—”

“Actually, she’s going to give me a ride home. We live pretty close.” A painful smile tugged her lips. “I hope you don’t mind.”

He stifled his disappointment. “If that’s what you need…”

It hadn’t escaped him that on both of their dates, she’d refused to let him pick her up or take her home.

“I really had a great time tonight.” She brushed warm fingers across his forearm. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“No need to thank me. I like being with you.” That was true, and if he was only going to have her for another few minutes, he needed to bank his surly mood and enjoy her. He threaded his fingers through hers. “Now that you’ve experienced Disneyland and your first art gallery, I have another adventure I’d like to share with you.”

Sex. Lots and lots of sex!

Beck shoved a ball gag in his pubescent subconscious.


He nodded. “You game next weekend? Or do you have to work?”

She smiled shyly. “I’m off Saturday.”


Scoring a third date filled him with hope…not enough to bank his frustration at having their time together cut short. But on their next date, he’d find out exactly how much she trusted him and start building from there.

And if Heavenly put herself in his care? Oh, he’d make her his a hundred times over.

Beck pulled into the familiar circle drive in front of the hospital and killed the engine. “I’ll walk you up.”

“Thank you.”

Beck took her hand. At this point, he didn’t give a fuck if everyone saw their public display. When they reached the door, he drew her to face him. “I had a wonderful time with you, Heavenly.”

“I enjoyed tonight.”

He felt her warm breath close to his lips and gripped her tighter. The inviting bow of her mouth was just under his. She nestled closer to him, her eyes big and blue and filled with invitation. Fuck it, he wasn’t waiting another second to taste her.

As he took her face in his hands and leaned in, the door beside him slid open.

“Well, isn’t this the coziest little picture?” Kathryn drawled. “What happened to your rule about dating co-workers, Dr. Beckman?”

Heavenly blanched and jerked back. Beck cursed the bitch for interrupting. And when Heavenly scrambled away, wrapping her arms around her middle, he cursed Kathryn again for making his little girl self-conscious.

Sliding her behind him, he turned to the interloping shrew. “The rule only applied to you. Next time, take a hint.”

With a pinched mouth and a vengeful glare, she stomped away. Beck refused to waste another moment on her. He turned his attention back to Heavenly.

“What was that abo—”

He pressed his fingers to her lips. Damn it, he should have been kissing them instead. “Nothing important. If, for any reason, your classmate can’t give you a ride home, call me.”

At his commanding tone, Heavenly’s eyes widened. A tremor shook her as he reluctantly lifted his finger from her mouth. She licked her lips and darted a self-conscious glance around as other employees filed out the door.

“I will.”

Well aware of their audience, he sent her a tender smile. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Good night, Beck.”

He kissed her forehead softly. “Good night, little girl.”

It was a quick drive home, one he wished he didn’t have to make alone. The more time he spent with Heavenly, the stronger his attraction to her grew.

After parking in his garage, he strolled through the kitchen, tossed his keys, and climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He peeled off his clothes, flopped into bed, and stared at the ceiling. His date with Heavenly flooded his brain. And his cock stirred, as it did every time he thought of her. But now he knew the heady scent of her arousal—and he’d fantasize about it. Obsess over it. Though he was miles away from her, it still lingered in his nostrils, permeating his senses and engorging his cock.

The night had also given Beck hope. The images at the gallery had touched Heavenly on a deeper level than he’d imagined. Beneath her surface lay a sleeping submissive; of that he had no doubt. Thankfully, he knew how to awaken her. He’d have to go slow, of course. But the idea of corrupting her innocent soul with his wicked urges…

Groaning, he wrapped a fist around his shaft and slowly stroked the all-too-familiar ache, imagining how good it would feel to have her on her knees before him as he gripped her pale curls in his big hands and slid his cock in and out of her slick mouth. In his imagination, she’d stare at him with big eyes filled with the longing to please.


Thinking of her draped over his lap while he spanked her sweet backside didn’t cool his libido any, especially when he thought about squeezing the supple orbs and feeling the warm sting of her flesh heating his palm.