Page 40 of The Choice

“You.” He cupped her cheek, lifting her gaze to his. “Did you really think I wouldn’t want to see you again after Raine’s party?”

She’d hoped but hadn’t dared to expect. Now she couldn’t hold back her smile. “I’m glad you’re here. Sorry about the other night, leaving so suddenly. I got a call from someone who fell and thought they were hurt. Turned out to be nothing.”

“I’m glad everything’s all right. Someone close to you?”

“Yeah. He’s a sweet old man, doesn’t really have anyone else to help him…”

She hated to be less than honest, but what else could she say? Maybe Seth was interested in her. Or the idea of her. Sure, he flirted with her, but if he really knew how inexperienced she was, he’d laugh. Or feel sorry for her. She hadn’t forgotten the pity on his face the day he’d first asked her out. Telling him the whole sad story about her father and his disease would only make that worse. She’d rather not put him in the position of making him stammer pointless platitudes. They changed nothing.

“Well, that just proves you’re the angel I’m always calling you.” He turned a heartthrob smile her way.

Heavenly felt half a second from swooning. “You’re funny. And you’re sweet.”

“Sweet? That’s something I haven’t been called in a long time.” He winked. “You need a ride home?”

“No!” She bit out, then dialed back the panic. Since he always looked like he was determined to figure her out, Heavenly had to get it together or he would know something was off. “I need to hit the grocery store to grab a few things for dinner.”

And she would…if she had the money. Looked like she and Dad would be eating ramen again tonight.

“I saw one right around the corner. How about if I take you?”

If he dropped her off, that would be great. It was a couple of blocks closer to the bus stop, which meant less time on her feet. “Sure.”

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he led her to the passenger door and helped her inside with an exaggerated sweep of his hand. “Your chariot, my lady.”

She giggled. Yes, she probably sounded silly, but he made her feel like a star-struck girl. “Thanks.”

As Seth closed her door, she glanced through the windshield and inside the lobby. Dr. Beckman still stood, staring. He looked something. Sad? Troubled? Upset?

No. He was mad.

Deciding she probably shouldn’t invade his personal space or kiss him again, she sent him an apologetic smile.

On his way around the vehicle, Seth raised a hand toward the doctor. He must have waved; she couldn’t see for sure. She only knew that when Seth stepped into the car, his grin was even wider.

“Good day?” she asked as he started the engine.

“It is now.” He dropped his hand to her knee. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

Heavenly’s breath caught. She’d heard the cliché about butterflies in her stomach, but she seriously had them. He’d actually thought about her? And he was touching her, too. Her whole thigh sizzled as if he’d heated her up with his rough, hot hands. Breathing wasn’t easy, either.

Oh, mercy…

When they’d first met, she had thought Seth so blindingly gorgeous. But when he’d used that voice on her at Raine’s party? She’d melted. Now, she had no doubt what he was thinking when he ate her up with his gaze. There was no nighttime to shroud them, no champagne to sway her. Just the two of them in broad daylight, in public, sober as church mice.

And she still couldn’t drag her stare from him.

Her breath caught when his fingers tightened on her leg. “I’ve been thinking about you, too.”

“Yeah? All good things, I hope.”

“Yes.” Sexy things. Totally new and different things. Exciting things. “But I’m sure you hear that a lot.”

“I’d rather hear it from you.” He squeezed her knee again, then put the car in drive and headed for the street. “What did you think of our conversation the other night? I was really honest with you.”

She swallowed. “I…liked it. A lot.”

“Any part in particular?”

Heavenly turned to find his mouth curled up in a playful grin. His long fingers tightened on the steering wheel as he turned onto the road when the traffic parted. His shoulders and chest filled out his black T-shirt. She could see the ridges of his abs through the soft cotton and…yes, their conversation excited him, too, if the huge bulge in his well-worn jeans was any indication.

Oh, gosh… She swallowed. “I liked all of it.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear, angel.”

“I’ve never met anyone who could make me feel what you did with a few words.”

He braked at the stoplight and glanced at her, his smile a seduction. “I’d like to do more than talk to you, Heavenly. How would you feel about that?”