Page 3 of The Choice

Raine groaned. “I’ve only been upright for three minutes. It’s a party…”

“Which means it will be a long evening, and you should pace yourself.” Liam spoke the words as if they were a suggestion, but Heavenly had the distinct impression otherwise. “I’ll get her wine.” He turned in her direction. “Good to see you, little one.”

Before Heavenly could reply, strong fingers wrapped around her arm. “Don’t trouble yourself, Liam. I’ll get her a drink.”


She had to face him sooner or later. And if she could think of the right white lie, maybe things between them would go back to normal. Ish, anyway.

“Thanks.” She faced Raine’s brother. “I’d like something white and fruity. As soon as I visit with Raine, then—”

“Let Liam settle her in the living room first.” River’s grip tightened. “You come with me.”

The Irishman nodded, sending her one of those unnerving stares. “A grand idea.”

River hauled her to the kitchen. What was it with these men? Every single one of them was bossy. Beck and Seth were the worst—powerful and larger-than-life. Bold. Sexual. Determined. Way beyond her experience.

Gosh, she really had to stop thinking about them.

Out the kitchen window, she glanced wistfully into the backyard and spotted the pair of them standing with Pike, Dean, and a few other guys she knew in passing, holding brews and laughing. Thank goodness Beck and Seth were occupied. Nothing would be worse than them overhearing River ask her embarrassing questions.

With a guiding hand, Liam led Raine to the sofa. When they reached a waiting Hammer, the men situated her in the middle of a cushion and fluffed pillows under her feet.

River dragged Heavenly to a quiet corner near the refrigerator and snatched the nearest bottle of wine. As he poured, Liam passed through on his way to the backyard. Then she and River were alone.

Raine’s big brother shoved a glass of thick red vino in her hand. “So, did you find someone to fuck your brains out?”

She recoiled. If she gave him an equally blunt answer, would he stop this mortifying inquisition?

“Yes. It was easy.” Heavenly punctuated her lie with a bright smile.

River glowered. “Tell me Beck or Seth finally manned up.”

“He’s someone you don’t know.”

One of River’s dark brows shot up. “Where did you meet him?”


“What does that mean? A park? A bar? A grocery store? A swingers’ club?”

“Why does it matter? I found someone and it was lovely.”

He looked skeptical. “Lovely? That’s how you describe meeting a stranger, losing your clothes, and banging him?”

Heavenly bristled. “How would you describe a hookup?”

“Hot, sweaty, messy. Mind-blowing. Spine-melting. Earth-shattering.” River snorted. “Never lovely.”

“Sweaty?” She shuddered. “That sounds unpleasant. It was nice. I…tingled.”

“Tingled?” He scowled. “Did your pussy fall asleep because he couldn’t find your clit? Maybe you should have given him a map.”

She nearly choked on her wine. “I found the experience perfectly satisfying.”

“Sweetheart, you don’t know squat about satisfaction.” Raine’s brother leaned in and peered at her, eye to eye. “Here’s what I think happened: You haven’t so much as flirted with another man. You don’t understand why ‘lovely’ sex is bad because you’ve never had it. In fact, not only did you not have sex with this mysterious ‘stud,’ you haven’t offered the virginity you asked me to take to anyone else.”

“What. The fuck. Did you say?” Beck growled suddenly.

Heavenly glanced over her shoulder. Both Beck and Seth glared from across the kitchen. Oh, no.

“Get out,” Seth snapped at River, hauling ass across the room. “Now. While you can still walk.”

Dread burned her veins. She didn’t have to wonder how much they’d overheard. Obviously, it had been more than enough. Tonight had just gone from mortifying to catastrophic.

River backed away, hands raised. “Hey, just so you know, I turned her down because I like my balls where they are.”

“That’s the only reason you’re getting to keep them,” Beck insisted. “Seth told you to get the fuck out.”

“I’m leaving,” River assured, then glanced her way. “Good luck.”

Once he’d gone, silence descended. She was alone with the two men who had been tempting, confusing, and consuming her for months. They were going to demand answers.

This wouldn’t end well.

Heavenly drew in a shaky breath, startled to find both now inches away, arms crossed over their chests. Aggression rolled off them, filling the tense air. Beck drilled holes through her with narrowed eyes, set off by a scathing slash of his mouth. Seth’s seething stare was no less displeased. Unfortunately, she had nothing to offer the savage beasts except a smile full of trembling bravado.

Because the truth would change everything.

“Hi, guys. Can I get you a drink?”


“I don’t want a fucking drink. I want to spank your ass until I get some answers.” Dr. Kenneth Beckman tried not to snarl and failed.

God, the fucking betrayal… He itched to stretch Heavenly across his lap, yank her panties down, and paddle her sweet little backside until it flushed red. But when he fantasized about spanking her—which was all the fucking time—he made her count out every swat with his fingers deep in her pussy. The fact that he couldn’t mete out punishment now frustrated him. Months of unfulfilled desire made him feel as if he was coming out of his skin.