Page 19 of The Choice

But he still didn’t think she should work for Dr. Beckman?

“Heavenly?” Jennifer called, sticking her head out the ER door. “You wanted to know when Raine Kendall was leaving. She should be gone in the next thirty minutes.”

“Then I guess I’d better go,” she murmured to Seth. “Did you want to say good-bye to her?”

“Actually, I’ll see her back at their house.”

Of course. Because they were friends.

Heavenly suspected Raine lived with Mr. Hammerman and Mr. O’Neill, because they both seemed comfortable with the fact they doted on her equally. Heavenly wasn’t judging, just envious. What would it be like to have people she could count on so she didn’t have to endure life’s hardships alone?

“All right, then…” Heavenly stood and grabbed her basket. “Well, I’ve got your card.”

“And you’ll call me when you’re free?”

She nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

Heavenly itched to go out with him at least once. Would it be so wrong to steal a few moments for some fun?

“I’ll probably be in town for another week or two.” He shrugged. “Maybe more. Let me know.”

Carrying the basket he’d given her, she smiled at Seth over her shoulder, unable to take her eyes off him as she headed toward Jennifer and the open door. Except she nearly walked into it because the charge nurse had already gone.

Seth laughed. “Watch where you’re going, angel.”

Fighting a furious blush, she whipped her badge over the scanner, then scurried inside the secure area. How embarrassing. Was she destined to make an idiot out of herself every time she saw this man?

Shaking her head, she hustled beyond the ER and into Raine’s room. There, she found Mr. Hammerman and Mr. O’Neill—she still didn’t know one from the other—flanking Raine. Dr. Beckman stood nearby. The bruise surrounding Raine’s eye had darkened and spread. The swelling on her lip had worsened. The finger-shaped marks around her neck were stark and unmistakable.

Just looking at the injuries Raine’s father had inflicted pained Heavenly. Every day with Abel Young was hard. His illness kept progressing in new and frightening ways. But he’d never raised a hand to her in anger. He’d never even spoken a harsh word.

“Liam and I will fetch the car so we can take you home, precious,” said the man with the beard.

“Thanks. I’m so ready to leave.”

“I know you are,” said the Irishman. “I promise, we’ll take care of you this time, love.”

“Liam, Hammer…” Consternation crossed her face. “You didn’t not take care of me yesterday. None of this was your fault.”

Heavenly wasn’t sure what Raine meant, but both men fell silent. The weight of their guilt was telling.

Beck filled the void with a hearty clap on the bearded guy’s back. “Go on, Hammer. Get the car. I’ll deliver the princess to the entrance. You’ve got her discharge papers. Call me if you have any questions.” Then he turned to the Irishman. “Keep him in line, O’Neill.”

“God knows he needs it,” Raine drawled.

Everyone gave a stiff laugh, and the forced cheer tightened Heavenly’s chest. These people wanted life to be all right again, but they knew the true blunt force of Raine’s trauma had yet to really hit them.

With a nod, Mr. Hammerman turned toward the door. Mr. O’Neill was on his heels.

Raine caught sight of her. “Heavenly. Hi!”

“Hi,” she murmured as all three men turned and stared. The rest of her greeting fell silent under the combined weight of their stares.

Mr. Hammerman and Mr. O’Neill murmured a thanks for Raine’s care, then sidestepped to the exit.

Dr. Beckman frowned at the basket in her hands. “What’s that?”

“Seth brought it to me as a thank you for helping Raine.”

Something cynical crossed his face. “Of course he did.”

Then he muttered something else under his breath she would have sworn was a four-letter word.

Raine clearly heard and repressed a smile. “He’s a smart guy.”

“That’s enough out of you, princess. I’ll see you tonight.”

Heavenly was trying to figure out the undercurrent in their conversation when the doctor nodded her way. “Ms. Young.”

Then he was gone. What had just happened?

Raine burst into laughter. It was stunted since she couldn’t move her eyes and it must hurt to put pressure on her stitches. But the expression still transformed the woman.

“Oh, his face was priceless.” Mirth danced in Raine’s eyes. “What have you done to him?”

Heavenly blinked. “Nothing?”

Raine cocked her head. “Uh-huh. How long have you known Beck?”

Clearly not as long as Raine. “Not quite two weeks. You two seem close.”

“He and Hammer have been friends for years, and he’s known me since I was a kid. Beck is a good guy. He was my rock during a difficult time recently.”

But he wasn’t her lover? Heavenly was relieved. Not that it actually mattered. Dr. Beckman had only shown professional interest in her.

She set the basket on a nearby tray and sank into the chair beside Raine. “I’m happy you have such wonderful people in your life. You’re very lucky, both to be alive and to have men who adore you.”