Page 172 of The Choice

Heavenly followed him, screaming and clamping down around their cocks like a goddamn irresistible vise.

Beck’s throaty roar and jerky thrusts said he’d followed them over.

Their mirrored shouts of ecstasy bounced around the room, lodged into both strong and soft flesh as they curled and clung together and rode out the storm.

When he came down from the euphoria, a whole pile of oh, shit should have been waiting for him. He was in love? Willing to engage in a long-term ménage? Yep. And weirdly, the realizations brought him nothing but peace. His earthly angel was everything. He and Beck were better men with her. Sure, nothing was perfect. They still had challenges—mostly her father and her promise to the dying man. But for the first time in what felt like forever, he was willing to go to the mat and do whatever it took to hold them together.

Heavenly sighed in sublime, exhausted satisfaction. Seth pressed his lips to her shoulder, running his thumb over the slightly tender spot where he’d bitten her. Inspecting it? Beck cupped her face and looked into her eyes, his so dark and solemn. So full of gravity. So full of something that looked like love.

Her heart skipped and stuttered. “Beck?”

“Happy, little girl?”

A smile stretched across her face, wider than any she’d ever had, seeming to reach both ears. “I didn’t know I could feel that good. I didn’t even know what to want or hope my first time would be like, but you two gave it to me. It was perfect.”

“I don’t ever want you to regret giving your innocence to me.” He nodded up at Seth. “To us.”


She dropped her head and kissed him, reveling in the fact that after long months of waiting and wondering, after everything they’d been through together, she was free to press her lips to his. That she could feel him still firm and filling her. Surrounding her.

Same with Seth. With a parting buss for Beck, she turned to meet his stare over her shoulder. She was used to seeing charming Seth, wry Seth, aroused Seth. This was the first time she could remember seeing just Seth—the man underneath. Nothing about his stare now was flirty or witty or excited. That look told her everything had changed, not only for him but for them all.

She felt that in her heart, too. It had been weeks since she acknowledged the girlish love she felt for them. Tonight, that love felt a lot less innocent and a lot more mature. Not strictly because they’d had sex but because she’d seen their true characters. These were men of honor, integrity, honesty. They were men she could rely on.

Now she just had to be brave enough to let herself do it.

Her father wouldn’t like it…but he didn’t understand. She hoped, in time, he would. It would take her a while to wrap her head around it, too. Especially since they were Dominants and they wanted her. She definitely wasn’t ready for commitment—for marriage and babies—but she also didn’t know how the heck she was supposed to walk away from these two men who had captured her heart and now cradled her soul in their hands.

“Angel?” Seth’s stare searched her, full of concern.

She’d worry about the jumble of questions and problems later. After all, she didn’t have to have answers today or even tomorrow. All she had to do was take things as she’d been doing, one day at a time…

“Everything is great,” she promised. “I must be the luckiest girl in Los Angeles.”

“I’m feeling pretty lucky, too.” Seth pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, then gently withdrew from her backside.

She’d never given much thought to a man having sex with her…there. But she’d liked it. The slightly forbidden thrill of being taken, even ravished, still made her shiver. And Beck taking her virginity with such unexpected reverence, followed by stunning passion, had her feeling soft and needy again.

Tomorrow, she really would have to thank River for refusing her.

“Up.” Beck tapped at her thigh. “Let’s get you clean and talk.”

“I’ll get hot towels,” Seth volunteered, thumbing toward the bathroom. “Everything I need in there?”

“Yeah. I can help you, man.”

“I got it.”

Heavenly gingerly lifted herself from Beck’s softening penis, surprised to find she was more than a teensy bit sore. She was also surprised to see blood on the condom. “Let me. Please. I need to, um…use the ladies’ room.”

And despite every naughty, amazing thing they’d done with and to her tonight, she found herself blushing.

Beck rose and, like Seth, disposed of his condom. They both chuckled at her.

“Don’t laugh…” She crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously.

“Don’t hide.” Beck uncrossed her arms and held her wrists firmly at her side. “I love that you’re still my blushing little girl.”

Her flush only turned hotter. “I don’t think I’m a little girl anymore.”