Page 16 of The Choice

“Really?” he drawled. “What other sage medical advice do you have?”

The light trill of her laughter roused every male part of him again. “I don’t know about sage, but it’s a remedy my grandmother used when I was little.”

“Since I don’t have a lime to make my headache go away, maybe you’ll sit with me until I feel better?”

Heavenly hesitated, then slowly slid into the chair opposite him. He restrained a celebratory fist pump.

“What other cures did your grandmother have?”

“Quite a few, though none most doctors would approve of. For instance, if you’re having a coughing spell, take a washcloth and dip it in icy water…”

As she explained, he drank in Heavenly’s guileless appeal. He cataloged her smile, the halo of her hair, her lightly flushed cheeks, the fidgeting clasp of her hands. He made her nervous, huh? Seth grinned and filed away that handy tidbit as he listened and let himself be charmed.

“And as unbelievable as it sounds, that helps, too.” Heavenly smiled ruefully. “I probably shouldn’t tout the natural remedies since I’m studying to be a nurse, but sometimes the old ways work.”

“Sounds like you have a few tricks up your sleeve.”

“I like to think so.”

I have some, too.

He bent and ducked his head, forcing her to meet his gaze. The connection hit him like a gut punch.

She blinked his way. For an instant, the windows to her soul opened wide. He could almost taste her uncertainty, her tentative thrill. He saw it in the thready, thumping pulse at her neck. Every artless, delicious detail about her utterly reinforced his urge to drag her beneath him.

And instinct told him he’d better be fast. Beck might be reluctant to do more than lick his chops while eyeing the tempting morsel—something Seth found fucking hilarious—but the big Dom wouldn’t wait long.

Before he could roll out a smooth line, Heavenly pushed her chair away from the table. “I should get back to work.”

Without thinking, he stood and grabbed her hand. Desire zapped him, sending him reeling.

Holy shit. How much stronger would the sensation be when he touched her everywhere?

“Hey,” he crooned. “I’m just making conversation. No need to be nervous.”

“O-of course. I…um, just don’t want to be late. The patients might need me and I’d like to be there for Raine. Excuse me.”

He needed to say something—and speak her language. “Thanks for all you’ve done to help her. She needs the kindness you’ve shown her. I know Hammer and Liam appreciate your effort. I certainly do.”

That made a little smile flit across her face. “It really is my pleasure. I can’t wrap my head around what she’s been through. It’s none of my business, but her own father doing such terrible—”

“He was an abusive alcoholic who’d terrorized Raine for years. No one should have to endure what she has, but I’m glad she’ll finally be able to live in peace.”

“She seems very sweet.” Heavenly cleared her throat and eased her hand from his grip. “You all appear to be very close. Have you been friends a long time?”

“With Liam and Hammer, yes. They’re some of my oldest and dearest friends. I only met Raine a week ago, but she’s a great girl who’s perfect for my buddies.”

The curiosity playing across Heavenly’s face said she wanted to know more about their unconventional relationship…but was too polite to ask. “So…how do you know Dr. Beckman?”

Fuck me. Was she chatting with him to grill him for information about Dr. Dipshit?

“He’s been a friend of Hammer’s for years. They, um…have some common interests.” If that’s what one called restraining and whipping subs.

“Oh. Like golf?”

“Not exactly.” And it was time to change the subject. “I’m guessing Raine will be staying here overnight?”

Heavenly nodded. “I peeked at her chart. I think they’re worried about infection setting in, and since she’s pregnant, they’ll—”

“What?” Without thinking, he tucked a finger under her chin and lifted it. “Raine is pregnant?”

Apology tightened her face as she slipped free. “I-I thought everyone knew. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. Your secret is safe with me. Besides, Liam and Hammer will be thrilled.” If they could process that motherfucking bombshell after everything else that had happened today. “I only mentioned Raine staying overnight because I planned to visit her tomorrow. Would you have time to have coffee with me on your break?”

She gave him a furtive shake of her head. “I’ve got to study for finals. But it was nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper.”

When she would have passed him, he sidestepped, blocking her path. “Call me Seth. How about after your tests?”

Heavenly pressed her lips together before she gave him another negative jerk of her head. “I shouldn’t. Good-bye.”

And then she was scurrying across the clinical white tile toward an employee-only area as if her very fine ass were on fire.