Page 163 of The Choice

As she lost herself in the mind-stealing kiss, Seth swallowed Heavenly’s needy moans. Beck watched, heart chugging and cock throbbing.

This was really happening.

His whole body tingled as he approached the two. The moment felt huge, and even if Heavenly thought tonight would change nothing, he knew better. It was going to change every fucking thing between them. It would answer a lot of questions.

For better or worse, what happened next would shape their future.

The first thing he and Seth were going to find out was whether they could truly keep their jealousy at bay and share her for more than a kiss or two. If they could, they’d worry about trying to make this thing work longer.

Of course, that only mattered if Heavenly stayed. When she’d told him and Seth that she didn’t see a future with them and walked out the door, it had messed him up. Sure, she was with them now, locked in Seth’s passionate kiss, but could they really fuck her into the kind of love that would make her want to stay?

No clue, but they were out of options.


Heavenly gave a breathless little plea as she dug her nails into the PI’s wide shoulders. Then she pressed her eager mouth to his again and climbed his big body, lifting her legs and wrapping them around Seth’s waist. The kiss turned feverish. Heavenly whimpered, rolling her hips against him. Seth’s guttural groan hummed with low agony.

Jesus. Watching them all but fuck with their clothes on zipped arousal up Beck’s spine. But he wanted some of that for himself, too.

When he sidled closer, Seth eased Heavenly’s back from the wall and turned her pert ass in his direction. He was sharing her. No fight, no drama, no marking territory. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for Beck to nod appreciatively for the gesture, then fill his hands with her soft, warm backside.

Spreading her spandex-clad cheeks, he leaned in and aligned his throbbing erection in between, then bent to her ear. “I can’t wait to slide my cock deep inside you right here, little girl.”

Her throaty moan made him smile. So, she liked it when he talked dirty. Good to know.

“Y-you’re going to do that to me?”

“Yeah, and I’m going to look forward to hearing you scream.”

Seth swallowed her gasp. Beck closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Sweet berries and heady feminine musk swirled in the air, making him dizzy. Every cell in his body screamed at him to claim her. Own her. He couldn’t stop himself from nudging against her tiny opening one more time.

Connected to them both, Heavenly sighed and dropped her head to his shoulder, arched her back, and rocked rhythmically between them. Beck clutched her hips and guided her, dragging her against his aching cock.

Fuck, yes.

As hot as he felt, he swore the blood would boil out of his veins when he got balls deep inside her. For him, that moment couldn’t come fast enough. But she wasn’t ready. Double penetrating a virgin without hurting her was going to be no easy feat. They needed to take things slow, prepare her well.

Beck pressed a kiss to the pulse point at her neck before maneuvering a hand between her body meshed against Seth’s. He cupped her breast and thumbed her stony peak. “But first, we’re going to strip you bare, press your naked body between us, and send you soaring.”

His words had her rolling her hips faster, her indrawn breath a wordless demand. An impatient rumble rose from deep in his chest.

Seth eased back and cupped her face, forcing her gaze to his. His voice rasped with need. “Bedroom. Now. Before we can’t make it.”

Beck related. If they didn’t move, they’d end up fucking her on the carpet. Her first time—hell, their first time—deserved to be more special than that.

“Ready for us to make love to you?” Beck murmured in her ear.

“It’s all I can think about,” she gasped. “I want to feel you everywhere on my skin. I want to feel you so deep inside me.”

Her confession stunned and aroused the fuck out of him. Based on Seth’s expression, he was equally blown away.

“I’m all about giving you what you want. Let’s go.” The PI cupped Heavenly’s ass, lifted her against his body, then raced from the foyer.

“I’m right behind you.” Beck stayed two steps off Seth’s heels as they dashed to the bedroom.

Inside, he flipped on the soft overhead light, jerked open the closet door, and dragged out his spare toy bag. He grabbed a handful of condoms and a tube of lube.

When he turned, Seth was still at Heavenly’s mouth, her body inching down his wide frame until he finally set her on her feet. Then Beck locked stares with the girl and tossed the items on the nightstand. His heart jackhammered in his chest.