Page 155 of The Choice

“I’m going to be seeing it in my nightmares for a long time. You don’t need another Sanchez to deal with,” Seth insisted. “Say yes.”

“Why are you doing this? Any of this?” She gave up on food and pushed her plate away. “I already told you that I don’t know what I want my future to look like, but I’m not ready for anything serious. I’m not even ready to choose between you and—”

“You don’t have to,” Seth said. “We are willing to just…date you. Together.”

She reared back, stared. “You mean the way Raine is with both Liam and Hammer?”

“Yes,” Beck supplied. “You don’t have to choose before you’re ready, and we mean that this time. We’re not going to fight or escalate the pranks. We just want you to keep an open mind and an open heart, to accept both of us in your life…and see where it leads.”

Heavenly blinked. She wasn’t sure whether shock or excitement won out. They were offering her not just a solution to most of her problems but her fantasy. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes,” Beck pressed. “You can stay here while your dad gets better. You’ll be safe while you focus on school and figure out your feelings for us.”

She wanted to agree so badly… “The arrangement seems awfully one-sided. You’re giving me so much and—”

“You’ll get what you need. We’ll get what we want. Win-win for everyone,” Seth added.

“All right.” A tremulous smile spread across her lips. “I feel like I’m taking advantage of you when I can’t give you any assurances for the future, but if you’re willing to see what happens, I’m willing to try.” She reached for their hands again. “It hurt me to walk away from you, and living without you both has been awful.”

She glanced between them. Something told her they were inclined to pull her into their laps and kiss her. Instead, Seth pushed her plate in front of her again. “Eat. If you’re going to be on your feet all evening, I want to make sure you’ve had enough food.”

Beck gave her a considering glance. “I don’t suppose you’d consider quitting so you can concentrate on school and we can spend more time with you?”

Heavenly had been employed since the day she turned sixteen. She needed the income. She certainly didn’t expect Beck and Seth to support her. “I can’t.”

“Of course.” He sighed heavily. “Dig in.”

A few more silent minutes passed. She finished another pancake. Seth started the dishes. Beck took a call from the hospital about one of his patients. The scene was surprisingly domestic, almost comfortable. The fact that she liked having them so close confused Heavenly. She didn’t want a future full of commitments or responsibilities…but she was loath to think of being without them.

Not sure what to make of that, she helped with the clean-up, then packed herself a sandwich for dinner tonight. Beck helped her find a cooler for her food. Then they were heading to the hospital. She was anxious to see her father. Of course, he was in good hands, but she’d feel so much better once she laid eyes on him. And he would probably feel better once she assured him she was all right.

When they walked into his room, she was surprised to find him sitting up and surprisingly alert. His color looked almost vital. He was even full of smiles.

“Hi, boo.”

“Dad.” She rushed to take his hands. “You look great.”

“I feel strong. Dr. Litchfield and I had a long chat this morning. Nice man. He adjusted my meds. He said my condition may be up and down for a bit while he tries to stabilize my immune system, but today feels better.”

“That’s fantastic news!”

He looked past her and set eyes on Beck and Seth. “Dr. Beckman. Mr. Cooper.”

The speculation in his stare made her squirm. Now that he wasn’t half asleep, he was wondering what these two men had done to his little girl last night. Nothing, and she knew that. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t touched her in the past…or that they wouldn’t touch her in the future. Heavenly didn’t mean to, but she blushed to the roots of her hair.

“Just Seth.” He shook his head as he came forward to shake her father’s hand, then settled himself beside her, resting a casual arm around her shoulders.

“You can call me Beck,” the doctor invited with a manufactured smile as he took her hand in his and brought it to her lips.

Heavenly froze. They were declaring themselves to her father without saying a word. They met her subtle attempt to work free from their grip with an implacable hold. Short of making a scene, she was stuck between them.

“I want to assure you, Abel, that I’m going to—”

“We,” Seth cut in, motioning between him and Beck. “We’re going to.”