Page 132 of The Choice


“So, it’s fine. Can you look into this one for me?”


“Yeah. According to this report, she indicated she’s had some problems.”

“Of course she’s said that.” Heavenly could all but hear the roll of Kathryn’s eyes in her voice. “That mousy, pathetic half-wit is so desperate for attention that she’s willing to make up ridiculous lies. I’m in here every day, so I know her tears about this are fake. I’m sure a smart guy like you has encountered her type. She constantly flirts with men because she’s hoping one will fall for her annoying, sweet-little-girl act.” Kathryn made retching noises. “Trust me, she’s a helpless, hopeless hot mess.”

It took all of Heavenly’s self-control not to race into the locker room and slap the nasty heifer. But she wouldn’t stoop to Kathryn’s level. Instead, she bit back her distaste—and a scream.

Beck caressed her shoulders. “Don’t let her get to you, little girl. Don’t give her that power.”

His reassurance nearly unraveled her. Heavenly wanted to wrap herself in his arms and melt into his safe, familiar embrace. But she couldn’t take advantage of him like that.

“I know exactly the sort you mean,” Seth assured. “No wonder you’re not friends with her.”

“I wouldn’t lower myself,” Kathryn spat. “She’s a waste of time—mine and yours. Listen, why don’t we forget about the wretch’s locker? You and I can go grab some lunch. After all, a big, strong man like you should keep his strength up, especially for what I have in mind. I know someplace private we can go so I can rock your world.”

Heavenly felt her jaw drop. “Is she for real?” Then she turned to Beck. “Does that actually work?”

He scoffed. “Not on me.”

“Oh, baby. Do you need a real man to pay proper attention to that soft little kitty of yours?” Heavenly heard the megawatt charm in Seth’s voice.

“Oh, I’m going to be sick,” Heavenly muttered under her breath.

“My kitty loves to be petted.” Kathryn giggled. “And I’ll bet you know how to stroke me just right.”

Beck grimaced. “I’m going to be sick, too.”

Seth chuckled. “I think you’re trying to distract me, baby.”

“Why would I do that?” Kathryn asked coyly.

“You tell me.” Seth’s tone suddenly took on a hard edge she didn’t recognize.

No one else had stepped into the room, so that must be Seth’s voice…but she’d never heard him use that much force or command when he spoke.

At the sound of it, a tremor skittered through Heavenly.

“Your voice is manly,” Kathryn swooned. “It makes me…wet.”

“Is that right? Then let’s hurry this along,” Seth murmured, his voice turning inviting once again. “Open that locker.”

“Technically, I can’t. It’s against hospital rules.”

“It’s all right. It’s not like you’re breaking in. I’m giving you permission.”

“Really?” She sounded intrigued. “Did they give you the combination? I mean, I’d need that. I don’t know it. Of course.”

He chuckled. “Oh, you’re too smart to let something as silly as a few numbers get in the way of getting into that stupid girl’s locker. You’re better than her, after all.”

“I-I shouldn’t.”

“Do it,” Seth whispered. “For me… Did I mention I have a really talented tongue?”

Heavenly cringed. That shouldn’t hurt, but it did. “I can’t listen anymore.”

Beck gripped her shoulders and made her look him in the eye. “Stay strong.”

She wanted to…but she remembered Seth’s amazing tongue all over her most sensitive flesh. Gosh, she couldn’t forget it any more than she could forget Beck’s hands on her. Or either of their mouths hungrily devouring her own…

Suddenly, Bridget Lewis appeared and eased in close to Beck, who placed a finger over his lips for silence. The no-nonsense nursing administrator nodded, then sent Heavenly a reassuring smile before listening to the nauseating drama.

“Now you really have my attention…” Kathryn perked up.

“All you have to do to find out for yourself is spin three little numbers on that girl’s combination and open one itty-bitty door.” Now Seth sounded cocky. “You know you want to… In case you were worried, I’m told any potential triggers on the locker doors have already been disabled.”

“Oh?” Kathryn giggled. “And you won’t tell?”

“Why would I? Hell, I might even applaud you.”

Heavenly listened intently. After a pause, she heard a soft ting of metal, indicating that she’d opened the locker door. So that bitch had somehow gotten her combination? A wet, squishy splash that Heavenly didn’t understand followed. Then Kathryn let out an ear-piercing scream.

“Oh, my god! Oh, my… What happened? You told me the locker was disabled!”

“Oops.” Seth laughed.

“You fucking liar!”

“But at least I’m a good one. I can spot a bad liar from miles away, and you’re the worst.” Suddenly, his voice dropped again, turning cold and unforgiving. “You’ve been terrorizing Heavenly.”

That accusing growl peppered goose bumps all over her body.

“You’re blaming me?” Kathryn screeched. “How dare you?”

“How dare you harass and threaten her?”

“You have no proof.”