Page 125 of The Choice

She sank back to the chair. “They matter. Right now, I’m not even sure why. I’m so angry. They’re behaving like children.”

“They are,” Liam agreed. “But while the battle may indeed seem childish to you, to them it’s essential. After all, you’re the prize.”

“But I’m not a trophy. I’m just a woman who”—she shook her head—“who probably shouldn’t have dated two men. I don’t know what I’m doing. And I’m not trying to string them along.”

“Of course you’re not. Nor are you a trophy. That’s not why I called you the prize. What they’re after is your undivided attention. Your heart. Your love.”

Heavenly rolled her eyes. They wanted her “love” so badly they’d staged elaborate hoaxes on each other as a means to prove it? That was the most nonsensical male logic she’d ever heard. “They have a funny way of showing it.”

That made Liam laugh. “I can see where you might think that, but the truth is, they’re hurting. You’ve told them both you have feelings for the other?”

She nodded and considered his words again. Beck had seemingly taken the news that she wanted to date Seth well. Had that been an act? Seth hadn’t hidden his reaction. He’d simply left. “I’ve done my best to be honest…but that’s been a problem in itself.”

“It’s a blow to the ego when a woman says she has feelings for another man.”

Hammer nodded. “It’s not easy for any guy to hear he’s not enough.”

Heavenly frowned. “I never said—”

“But that’s what they heard. Right?” Hammer turned to Liam for confirmation.

“Absolutely. They may have made some ridiculous chest-beating decisions, but never doubt that, to each man, the competition is real and they are battling for their future—their lives—with you.”

“What he’s trying to say more eloquently than I can is that these two bozos have been busy measuring their dicks. When they figure out—if they haven’t already—how fucking stupid they’ve been, they’ll focus again on what’s important: you. Trust me, all they’re really thinking about is who’s going to claim you.” He leaned in, peered closer. “Do you know what I mean by that?”

She didn’t. “Be my boyfriend? That’s the choice I’m making, right?”

“Not even close,” Hammer shot back. “They’re done questioning their feelings. They’re willing to give you their heart—if they haven’t already. What they’re doing now is fighting to determine who will get to spend the rest of their lives with you and father your children.”

Raine patted her distending belly. “What he said. Think about wild animals. Males of the species fight to win and impregnate the female. It sounds silly in this day and age, but some things never change, I swear.” She grinned. “I tried to tell these two bucks that I’m not a gazelle, but…”

The rest of their lives? And babies? She blinked. “I don’t think they’re that serious. We’ve only had a handful of dates and—”

“Oh, they’re serious,” Liam cut in.

“Very.” Hammer nodded.

“They’re right,” Raine assured. “Beck doesn’t date. Like ever.”

“Seth is one of my best mates,” Liam said. “He hasn’t dated in years, either. If they’re both taking the time to get to know you, they’re definitely serious. Obviously more than you realize.”

If they were, why had they wasted time pranking each other? Obviously, she didn’t understand men. Heavenly wondered if she ever would. It wasn’t as if she’d had a lot of opportunities to try.

“You look confused. You don’t understand man logic?” Raine laughed.


“Don’t feel bad. I’m still trying to figure it out myself.”

“We’re not that complicated,” Hammer spouted. “Feed us, get naked for us, and let us put a smile on your face…”

“I always do…” Raine chimed in with a grin.

“At least Seth and Beck seem to be smarter than you and me, Macen. They didn’t beat the shit out of each other.”

“Yet.” Hammer winked.

“God, don’t give them ideas,” Raine groaned as her phone buzzed.

“I’m curious, little one.” Liam focused his attention on her. “You seemed surprised to hear they’re so devoted to claiming you. Where did you think your relationship with either—or both—of them was going? How did you see the future?”

Heavenly opened her mouth. He was looking at her expectantly. She wasn’t sure what to say. “Well…I, um, don’t know. Beck and I had a couple of outings as friends. After Seth kissed me, Beck declared that we were more than friends. We jumped off a bridge together, then…he kissed me, too.” She blushed wildly, thinking about what else they did at the restaurant. “Then when he fed me brunch, we were interrupted by the police. And with Seth, we had a lovely picnic. Our second date was aborted because I mentioned my feelings for Beck. Then suddenly, Seth was gone, but he came back and kissed me, which was…” She sighed. Hot. So hot. “Lovely. He invited me for lunch, and we got interrupted by a donkey. Nowhere in the middle of that did I hear anything about commitment and love and babies.”