Page 122 of The Choice

“Ready to explode for me, angel?” he taunted.

She clutched his hair and gyrated against his mouth. “Oh, yes. Please. Please, Seth…”

Her sweet cries, the heat and tightness of her body clutching his fingers, her scent so strong it made him drunk—all took him to the brink of his control.

With his free hand, Seth dug a condom from his jeans, then attacked his fly before he slid the denim down enough to kick his pants somewhere near her discarded underwear. Despite how frantic he’d been to free his cock, he never stopped fingering her slick openings or teasing her taut nub. Not too hard. Not too fast. No, he made her ride his touch, forcing her to stretch for the orgasm he dangled just out of her reach.

She was incoherent now, her gasps mingling with her rising wails as he lured her closer to the cataclysmic end. Climax was right there; everything about her body told him so. Another lick, another nudge, and she’d tumble over. And fuck if it wasn’t going to be the sweetest thing ever. His heart chugged. His cock jerked. He was so ready…

The doorbell pealed, shattering the moment.

Heavenly stilled, stare zipping toward his door. “Someone’s here?”

“It’s no one. Ignore it.” He wasn’t stopping, damn it.

But the doorbell only rang again, strident and insistent, jarring his fucking concentration. With a curse, he swiveled his stare to his phone, sitting on the charging stand on a nearby counter, flashing a clear view of the front door.

Seth blinked, frowned, backed away from Heavenly to peer closer at the device. He couldn’t possibly be seeing that right.

“What is it?” She sounded drunk and dazed.

“I’m not sure. Stay right there. I’ll only be a minute.”

He rose and wiped his face with a paper towel, then grabbed his gun from the holster where it hung on the nearby wall and slipped to the front door, turning the lock. He cracked it open just enough to peek around the portal.

What the hell? His camera hadn’t lied. Standing on his porch was a woman in her forties dressed like a colorful gypsy and a goddamn donkey. “What the fuck is this?”

She gave him her version of a seductive smile. “Why, I am Zelda, and this is my amazing performing donkey, Clovis.”

“Performing?” Did it sing or dance or bray? Seth shook his head. He probably shouldn’t ask, but… “What does he perform?”

“Everything your heart desires.” The crone leaned in to whisper. “Clovis is well endowed—and well trained. Though today, he is feeling frisky.”

When the woman winked his way, it clicked. His mouth fell open. “He’s…he’s a—”

“My love slave, yes. For your viewing pleasure, he will love me long time. We do show for you now?” She peeked around the corner and caught a flash of his naked ass. “I see you are ready for him to be your love slave, as well. For two hundred more, he will also love you long time, Seth Cooper.”

The gasp behind him told him that Heavenly had heard Zelda’s nonsense. What the hell must she be thinking?

“Look, I don’t know who you are or how you know my name, but I didn’t ask you to come here. So you can take your…ass and leave. Right now.”

“No.” She shook her head excitedly. “We are gift. For you. Where can I lay the rubber sheet so we may begin?” She leaned in to whisper. “Clovis, he is virile…but he is messy.”

“What? Oh… No. Fuck no!” Still Zelda didn’t move, just blinked. He raised his gun. “Go. Get lost.”

The donkey brayed loudly. The woman gasped and backed away. “Wait. Don’t shoot! Clovis and I leave.”

“You’re damn right, you will.” He slammed the door and locked it, grabbing his phone from the counter long enough to ensure the gypsy and her four-legged sex act were walking away. Thank god.

When he looked up again, he found Heavenly standing beside his kitchen island, smoothing her skirt, and looking somewhere between self-conscious and shocked. “What was that?”

He grimaced. “Don’t ask.”

But Heavenly wouldn’t let it go. She wrapped her arms about herself and frowned. “Did that woman really mean to…”

“Yeah. Don’t think about her, angel.” When Seth took a step toward her, she held up a hand and backed away warily. Holy crap, did she actually think he had something to do with this? “I didn’t hire her. I’m as shocked as you are. I have no idea who sent that…woman to my door.”

He’d think it was a party prank gone wrong, except Zelda had known his name. It made no sense, unless…

Suddenly, the phone in his hand buzzed. He glanced down to find a text from Beck.

Enjoy, fucker. That’s the only ass you’ll get today.

That fucking son of a bitch. Seth gripped his phone, breathing through his fury and his urge to do violence. So the fucker wanted to play rough? Seth had no problem turning over every goddamn stone to arrange the absolute perfect revenge.