Page 103 of The Choice

Damn. How was he supposed to focus on charming her if all he could think about was commanding and fucking her? “You look great.”

“Thanks. Are you going to tell me what’s going on now?”

“Let’s go outside.” He took her hand and headed for the door.

Once they found his car, Heavenly pinned him with a disgruntled scowl. “Now, what was all that about?”

“I’m giving Kathryn enough rope to hang herself…with an extra foot or two for incentive.”

She gaped. “What is wrong with you?”

Beck slid a grin her way. “Do you want the list alphabetically or chronologically?”

“This is serious. The minute your back is turned, Kathryn will shred me with her fangs and claws.”

“No, she won’t.”

Heavenly rolled her eyes. “Yeah, she will.”

“No. She. Won’t.” He arched his brows.

“What are you up to?”

One day, he’d teach her that questioning him would earn her a sore, red ass. For now, he humored her, as he’d been doing for three long, ball-straining months. Inside, he was eager to tear away the bindings leashing his inner Dominant and wrap them around her sinful body until she was at his mercy and moaning.

Shit, first he had to kiss her.

“What you don’t know can’t get you in trouble.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, my gosh. Please tell me what’s going on.”

“I thought you trusted me, little girl.”

“I do. After all, I jumped off a perfectly good bridge for you.”

“Because you knew I would protect you, like I’m doing now. Let’s just say Kathryn will get exactly what she deserves.”

“Oh, you make me nervous. You know there’s no way she doesn’t take the bait?” She sighed. “Of course you know that.”

Beck burst out laughing. “Are you figuring out that maybe I’m scary after all?”

“Sure, but do you understand that Kathryn is really sly? You can’t be with me every moment—”

“Trust me. She won’t hurt you again. That’s a promise.” Beck cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

It wasn’t the heated kiss shithead Seth had planted on her at Hammer’s party, but Beck wasn’t about to taste her lips for the first time in the bowels of a parking structure. It was decidedly unromantic, and Heavenly deserved better. But then, she’d also deserved more than choking on Seth’s tongue while he dry-humped her in front of a throng of partygoers. He’d ask what the asswipe had been thinking, but it was obvious all his blood had migrated south and shriveled his brain cells. Seth obviously hadn’t bothered to learn anything about Heavenly or he would have known such a public display would only embarrass the shy, sensitive girl.

The whole thing had been a fucking nightmare. Watching Seth claim Heavenly’s mouth as if he owned it—and seeing her respond so hungrily—hadn’t even been the worst. Being unable to do a damn thing to stop them while they’d all but fucked with their clothes on had. Even a week later, no amount of mind bleach could disinfect the memory from Beck’s brain. But the war wasn’t over. The smooth, seducing prick might have kissed Heavenly first, but Beck vowed he’d be the first—and only—man to drag her beneath him and pleasure her until she shattered over and over.

Reluctantly, he released her and opened the passenger door. After she settled into her seat, he climbed behind the wheel and headed toward the freeway, determined to put everyone else from his mind. This day was for him and Heavenly alone.

Clasping his hand in hers, Beck pulled onto Coast Highway, toward Malibu. Beside him, Heavenly stared out at the ocean.

“Oh, my gosh!” She sent him a delighted grin. “The Pacific! It’s so beautiful. And huge! Can we stop?”

“You’ve lived in LA for months. You’ve never seen the beach?”

She shook her head, unwilling to tear her gaze away from the vast blue water. “I haven’t had time.”

“Then you’re in for a treat, little girl.”

Beck found a place to park, looking forward to her reaction as the chilly water rolled across her bare feet for the first time. Hand in hand, they strolled through the blinding California sun along the short, tree-covered path and down the stairs to a sandy beach.

Heavenly’s stare filled with wonder. “Wow, I feel so small.” Then she turned in a slow circle, taking in the massive rock formations, the opulent mansions poised on the hill, the lounging sunbathers, and the water rolling onto the sun-drenched sand again. “This is amazing.”

“Not as amazing as you are,” he murmured in a low voice.

“You’re making me blush. Then again, that’s easy.” She laughed at herself.

Damn, she was adorable. “Take off your shoes; feel the sand between your toes.”

With a giddy giggle, she kicked off her sandals. He hooked their straps over his finger and watched her grin widen as she curled her toes in the sand. “It’s softer than I expected.”

He drank in her awe as he shucked his own shoes and cuffed his pant legs. Taking her hand once more, he led her to the edge of the water. The sand grew cold and firm, and he watched her face as a wave rolled in and broke around their ankles.