Page 99 of The Choice

The night came rushing back to her. The lights, the music, the people. Suddenly, she was aware of them once more. She and Seth had never been alone. Anyone could have seen them…

“That was hot,” Pike quipped as he stood a few feet away, clapping for their performance. “Don’t stop on my account.”

River stood nearby, watching. He said nothing. He didn’t have to. That hint of a grin said it all.

Embarrassment washed over her. She was so grateful when Seth tucked her behind him, blocking her from Pike’s view. As he faced the jerk, she gripped his arms, laid her hot cheek on his back, and absorbed his strength.

“Why don’t you get fucked?” Seth snarled.

“There’s no one else interesting here, and you two were putting on a hell of a show. You know I like to watch…”

Ugh, why wouldn’t Pike just go away? He seemed like the kind of bully who enjoyed her discomfort.

Heavenly opened her eyes to give the butthead a piece of her mind. Instead, she found Beck mere feet away, his stare glued to her. Their gazes tangled, then locked. His expression had gone dark and ferocious.

She didn’t have to ask; he’d seen everything.

Heavenly closed her eyes. Would the earth please open up and swallow her whole? What had possessed her to lose her head so utterly in front of him? Yes, Seth had kissed her. Well, it had been way more than a kiss. He’d taken her, body and soul, without removing a stitch of her clothes.

But Beck… What was he thinking now? That she didn’t care enough about him to not shove her attraction for Seth in his face? He’d promised her he wouldn’t interfere while she made her choice…but she hadn’t shown him the courtesy of keeping her feelings for another man to herself. Seth had even asked her if he could kiss her and she hadn’t hesitated. She’d just said yes and fallen into his arms.

Was Beck angry? Did he hate her now? Probably.

Tears stung her eyes. How could she have been so thoughtless?

She sent him a look of apology, then squeezed Seth’s shoulders. “It’s okay. You don’t have to protect me. I think I’ll just go.”

He turned to her, grabbing her hands in his. “No, not like this. You didn’t do anything wrong, angel.”

How did she make him understand so he didn’t think she regretted their kiss? “I wish we’d had less of an audience.”

Seth rolled his eyes. “Pike should have been named prick. Ignore him.”

“I gathered, but…” She risked a glance over her shoulder. Beck still stared. “He’s not the only one.”

Seth’s gaze followed hers and cursed. “I see. Come inside with me. We’ll talk—alone—for a minute or two. If you still want to go home after that, I’ll take you.”

It wouldn’t be fair to kiss him and run away, and in all honesty, she didn’t want to let him go tonight. Her head might be telling her that she’d done something cringe-worthy. Her body panted that she should forget everyone and throw herself in Seth’s arms.

Well, everyone except Beck. She already knew forgetting him was impossible.

“All right,” she murmured.

Soon, she’d talk to Beck and make it clear that she hadn’t meant to hurt him, that her feelings for Seth had nothing to do with her feelings for him and that…she was utterly confused.

“Let’s go.” Seth tucked her under his arm and headed toward the house—until Beck stepped directly in their path.

Her gaze skittered up to him again, face flaming, eyes filled with another silent apology as they approached.

“Hold up a second.” Beck glared at Seth, teeth gritted.

At her side, Seth tensed. “Make it quick.”

Heavenly held her breath. Were they going to exchange words? Barbs? Punches? Tonight was supposed to be a celebration, not a brawl… “Don’t be angry. Please. I—”

“I’m not, little girl.” Beck took her hand. “Don’t you beat yourself up. I told you last weekend that I’d give you the time and space to make your choice. You haven’t done anything wrong. We’ll talk more if you need to. All right?”

She let out a huge breath of relief she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Her heart lightened. A thousand things she wanted to say flitted through her head, but not here. Not in front of Seth. They had each promised to allow her to keep her romances with them separate, and she had to honor her part of the bargain until she made her decision. Saying more now would be compounding her error with another mistake.

“Thank you.” She squeezed his hand. He could probably read every one of her feelings. For once, that didn’t make her uncomfortable.

“I’m here if you need me,” Beck assured, then stepped out of her path.

Heavenly felt his eyes on her every step of the way until Seth ushered her into a study and shut the door firmly behind them.