Page 85 of The Choice

But Seth had planned the most romantic afternoon she could have imagined. The wine, the bread, the dessert…the company. Even the weather had been perfect. The memory still made her sigh.

“Oh, it mattered,” Raine assured. “The question is, do you want to see him again?”

“If he ever comes to town again, sure. But I’m not holding my breath.”

“Maybe you should.” Raine gave her a too-innocent smile. “Tell me about school. How are your classes?”

They fell into an easy conversation, Heavenly chatting about her semester, followed by Raine lamenting about the early symptoms of her pregnancy. As they giggled over old wives’ tales meant to end morning sickness, someone knocked on her door.

Instantly, Raine jumped up, seeming more excited than surprised by the interruption. “Stay right there.”

Footsteps resounded through the big room. On the other side of the wall, Heavenly heard the door open. Raine didn’t greet anyone or speak at all. Maybe it had been the postman. Heavenly eyed the cookies. Maybe she could steal one more…

As she lifted the contraband to her lips, Raine ran—literally—through the living room and headed for the kitchen. “I totally forgot to offer you coffee. Want some?”


“I’ll be back. It may take a while,” she said as she disappeared into the kitchen and the door shut behind her.

The coffee wasn’t a big deal. Heavenly would be happy with her company—and cookies.

She took another bite, closed her eyes, and moaned as the sinful cinnamon and brown sugar mixture melted on her tongue.

“Hi, angel.”

Heavenly swallowed, then froze. She knew that voice.


She turned slowly. It couldn’t be real.

But there he stood in the doorway. Tall. Wearing jeans that hugged him in all the right places. Green eyes intent, body still, everything about him so sharp—especially his stare, which he focused solely on her.

Feeling like she was in a dream, Heavenly set her cookie aside and rose. “Is that really you?”

He took confident strides into the room. “Damn, I forgot how beautiful you are.”

Five seconds, and he already had her blushing. She smiled, unable to do anything but float in his direction.

“You look…” Gorgeous. Masculine. Way more edible than Raine’s cookies. “Good. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again. What are you doing here? When did you arrive?”

“A couple of days ago. I’ve been busy helping Hammer, but all I’ve wanted to do is lay eyes on you.” A little smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Your last text said you were going to miss me. Did you?”

Seth’s stare drilled down into her eyes as he took her fingers between his. Her blush spread. Arousal darkened his face. Her body flashed hot in response as he surveyed her every curve and swell, drinking her in with barely a touch. She felt as if she stood before him stark-naked.

The hunger on his face had her heart skipping beats. She suddenly forgot how to breathe. Would he kiss her? Did he want to?

She was almost disappointed when Seth lifted her hand and pressed his lips to her palm instead. Then he dragged the tip of his tongue up her sensitive flesh in a deliberate stroke. She shivered, her skin burning when he touched her. Before she could help herself, her fingers cupped his face, brushing his sexy, sandy five o’clock shadow as if they had a mind of their own. He looked so vital and virile, almost dangerous. Her heart rate picked up. Her nipples peaked.

“E-every day.”

His smile widened and something like thrill lit his eyes as he brushed the hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “Yeah? I missed you, too, angel.”

Gosh, he was so handsome he made her insides gooey. Made her lips ache with wanting to feel them covering her own.

Heavenly imagined him kissing her breathless. Her brain sputtered. Her words evaporated. All she could do was blink at him and get lost in his expression that silently promised pleasure beyond anything her innocent fantasies had conjured.

“Can we talk?” He threaded his fingers through hers and led her to the sofa before lifting the last of her snickerdoodle back to her lips. “Want to finish your cookie first?”

Taking a bite from his hand was incredibly intimate. She chewed, still dumbstruck, unable and unwilling to look at anything but him. The way he watched her spread goose bumps all over her body.

“Thanks.” The word fell from her lips, mostly because she wasn’t sure what else to say.

The rapport they’d shared before he had gone to New York had been flirty and light. In its place lay a deeper awareness. A new focus. Something she couldn’t put her finger on.

He swiped his thumb across her lip, gathering leftover crumbs and taking them back to her tongue. Without thought, she licked them away. Then she froze, stared, hearing nothing but her own breathing and the wild beat of her heart. Gosh, why had she put her tongue on him? He wasn’t a spoon or an ice cream cone. Was he annoyed? Disgusted? Perturbed?