Page 166 of The Choice

She responded with a dreamy moan as she writhed against the man’s busy hand.

Her reply was utterly adorable…but not the verbal answer she knew he expected. Drawing his hand back, he landed a sharp spank on one of her cheeks. The feel of her soft flesh yielding beneath his hand and the satisfied tingle sliding up his arm made Beck want to roar.

Heavenly’s eyes flew open, and she squealed. “What was—”

“You didn’t use your words.”

“No, but she just left a fucking puddle in my hand.” Seth sent him a triumphant grin.

“Did she now?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Beck cupped Heavenly’s nape. “Would you like some more spankings, little girl?”

“I-I don’t know…why—”

“Why that rush of sweet cream came pouring out of you?” Seth nipped at her shoulder.

“No.” Heavenly dropped her lashes as if too embarrassed to face them.

Beck smacked her ass a little harder.

“Ouch!” She clenched against the sting.

But when he smoothed his hand over her heated flesh again, she sighed so sweetly.

“Failing to use your words is unacceptable. So is hiding your feelings,” Beck chastised. “Open, honest communication. Remember?”


God, he was dying to spank her just to feel her under his palm and see how much having a red ass would arouse her. But now wasn’t the time. When she was comfortable with the rules and their expectations, when she was secure in the knowledge she was safe between them… Then? Hell, yes.

“Now, answer the question.” He dropped his voice. “Do you want me to stop?”

“I suggest you answer honestly. I feel you spilling honey like an overflowing hive,” Seth added. “Even if you’re not sure whether you want more, your body knows. Beck’s spankings turned you on.”

“And we’re ecstatic they did.”


“Hmm,” Beck hummed against her neck. “You know, Cooper, it would be terrible to let all that precious cream go to waste.”

“A damn shame. Get on the bed, Heavenly.” Seth strode across the room and yanked off the comforter.

“I think he’s anxious,” Beck murmured in her ear.

Heavenly graced him with a soft, shy giggle.

As he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, he lost himself in her eyes, hypnotized by the slashes of silver surrounding deep azure. “He’s not the only one who’s lost patience.”

She slung her gentle palms on his shoulders. “I’ve wanted your touch even when I thought you’d never look twice at me.”

Beck’s breath caught. From the first time she’d lifted those lashes and peered up at him, she’d shocked his heart awake. Since then, she’d changed him, made him want to be a better, gentler man…the kind of man she could love. “I’ve never not wanted you.”

Her face softened with apology. “But it happened the same for me with Seth. One look and—”

“I know.” And Beck did. He didn’t like or understand it, but he was done questioning it. “It’s all right, Heavenly.”

“We’re big boys,” Seth assured, circling her waist from behind.

Heavenly backed away, and for the first time since they’d crossed the threshold, she looked worried. “I know this isn’t what either of you wanted, and my dad—”

“Not now,” Seth insisted. “There’s no one here but us. What do you want?”

“To please you both…and I don’t know how.”

After everything she’d been through, her first concern was pleasing them? That blew Beck’s mind.

Understanding settled across Seth’s face as he gathered the girl into his arms. “All you need to do tonight is open yourself and trust us. Can you do that?”

She nodded. “I already trust you both.”

God, what sweet words.

“Then lie back.” Beck helped her onto the middle of the mattress.

Impatience crawled up his spine as he stared down at their brave, beautiful girl. Innocent hunger filled her eyes. She didn’t know what they intended, but she desperately wanted this…wanted them.

No matter what it took, he and Seth had to give her the most memorable night of her life.

He glanced at Cooper. The man’s stoic expression told Beck they were on the same page—again.

He locked eyes with Heavenly. “Spread your legs for us, little girl. Show us your pretty, wet pussy.”

That pink blush he’d grown to love painted her cheeks as she slowly parted her legs.

“Wider,” Seth commanded.

As she inched her thighs farther apart, her feminine musk now saturated the air, compelling Beck to crawl between her knees.

“Brace yourself. She’ll set your damn taste buds on fire,” Seth growled.

For an unguarded moment, jealousy knifed Beck. He forced himself to yank out the blade. No more putting this petty shit above her. It wasn’t a competition. There were no winners or losers. Time to exercise the same sage acceptance Seth had shown earlier so they could shower Heavenly with the passion and love she deserved.

“Wait until you feel her pretty mouth wrapped around your cock,” he drawled without an ounce of malice.

“Beck!” She gaped in embarrassment.

“What?” He opened her wider and glided his palms up her thighs. “It’s the truth. You’ve got a sinful tongue.”