Juliet’s brows rose. “You mean in front of the strip center?”

He nodded.

“Okay. Then we’d better get out of here.”

When Brannick heard the elevator begin its descent, he summoned Fergus and his men and explained the situation.

Juliet looked up at him. “Let me check to see what we’re facing.”

“I’ll hold you tight ‘til you get back.”

With Brannick’s arms around her, Juliet slipped into the dreamglide, drifted to the front walk, then hurried back. “There are three Revel Border Patrol SUVs out front in the parking lot but a good thirty yards away. Several officers have weapons drawn, but they’re staying behind the open doors of their vehicles.”

Brannick addressed the group. “We’ll go out together and I’ll shield us. Agreed?”

The wolves assented.

When Juliet knew that Brannick had wrapped everyone up in his vampire shield, her heartrate began to climb. If this didn’t work, they could all get killed.

They moved together to the front entry. Brannick had everyone line up off to the side just in case the moment he opened the door, the officers started firing.

When they were all in position, she nodded to Brannick. He moved to the door, gave it a shove, then levitated back in place out of harm’s way.

As she waited, her heart pounded in her ears. But no gunfire returned. Instead, she heard an officer call out, “Steady. Wait ‘til we see who comes out. We don’t want Roche killed.”

She could barely breathe.

Brannick once more invoked group telepathy. Levitate just above the floor so we don’t make a sound, and stick close.

Glancing at the wolves, she saw that each one had a determined look in his eye. Brannick led the way outside. She followed, careful to levitate but not so high as to hit the upper doorframe.

Surveying the border patrol, she realized none of the officers saw them.

The lead officer called out again. “Steady, men. Hold your fire.”

Brannick’s voice hit the group telepathy once more. We’ll rise slowly together on three. Again, I’ve got you all shielded, but stay close. We’ll fly straight up about thirty feet, I’ll call a halt, then we’ll turn to the northeast and head out over the Graveyard. On three … two … one …

Juliet levitated alongside Brannick as did the wolves. Once high in the air, he drew everyone to a stop well above the strip center. Glancing below, she saw that the Revel Border Patrol remained in position, still waiting for someone to come out of the house.

Brannick had done his job.

He lifted his arm and let it fall in the direction he wanted the group to move. As soon as he took off, Juliet stuck right with him as did Fergus and his men.

When they were at least two miles away from the front of Roche’s home and well over the Graveyard, Brannick called another halt. “I’m going to remove my shield now.”

As Brannick released it, Juliet once again felt his vampire cloak slide away from her.

Silence reigned for a few moments. Everyone exchanged glances. She felt the shifters’ energy rise, which seemed to ignite her own. Smiles emerged and eyes glittered.

The first whoop hit the air, then another and another. Though levitating, the men lifted their fists and kept shouting. They’d all made it out alive and Roche, that bastard, was dead.

Juliet joined in, adding her very female voice to the mix.

Brannick, however, soon tamped down the celebration, but he was smiling. “You know someone will hear us. How about we take this to the White Flame and fini

sh our celebration there. I for one could use a Goddamn righteous drink.”

Wolves, being gregarious by nature, expressed their approval with more raised fists and another round of shouts.