She appeared, smiling, barely more than a soft mist. I love you, Brann. And I can see you’ve finally made the leap. I’ve had permission from the powers who serve paradise to say good-bye, all three of us.

Brannick’s chest swelled as three beings appeared before him: His wife, his child and the baby born in another realm. He tried to reach for them, but they weren’t real, yet each approached him, even the babe, and ran fingers down his face. He could feel their beautiful spiritual energy touching him, loving him and wishing him well.

Good-bye, Brann. Remember, all is forgiven. Now tend to Juliet. You’ll do tremendous things together. You’ll see.

Both his children smiled and continued to smile as his original family disappeared. He wiped at the tears on his cheeks. His soul felt free at last. Free to live and to love. Free to battle for the woman who meant everything to him and for the life he wanted for them both, as well as for all decent citizens in Five Bridges.

He let the sensation roll through him as he considered the desperate situation before him. He could have accessed his own dreamglide, but instead wondered if he could take over Juliet’s without her permission. The moment the thought entered his head, he knew he could. He might have developed a few fae abilities, but he was still a vampire and with that came a strength of will that he’d always valued. So, yeah, he could be inside the woman’s dreamglide.

He remained standing because he knew in his gut this experience would be very different. He’d have a conscious awareness of exactly what was going on in both realities.

With a brief thought, and his mind fixed on Juliet, he moved straight into her dreamglide. The stench of the spell infused the space. He saw the blown out blurred wall, with the twisted steel rebar bent toward him like a flower that had blossomed.

Because the dreamglide belonged to her, it was with her, inhabiting her current location.

He looked down through the blurred floor of the dreamglide and saw Juliet below him. She lay on her back on a sofa that looked familiar. Remaining very still, he glanced around. Sure enough, she was in Roche’s home.

Fortunately, the fae bastard was nowhere to be seen. Good.

His fae senses also told him that however unguarded Roche’s home appeared, there were powerful fae warriors in the

house, lined up and ready to attack.

Roche had set a trap for him.

He drew out of Juliet’s dreamglide and was back in real-time at the foot of the stairs in the cottage.

He had to think and to plan.

He felt certain Roche didn’t know just how much of a fae Brannick had become during his time with Juliet. His solitary vampire nature at one time might have sent him storming to the house alone, ready to be slaughtered. But the fae part of him had added a strong level of wariness.

He felt the need to take a team in and considered his options. He knew Vaughn had to stick close to the safe house, because it was under a constant threat of attack. He turned therefore in a different direction, toward Savage Territory.

He contacted Fergus telepathically. In a few brief sentences, he told him about Juliet’s abduction, how he knew where Roche lived and that Roche was using Juliet to draw him into a trap.

Fergus didn’t even pose a question but simply stated the exact response Brannick needed. I’m in. Tell me when and where.

Brannick pictured the entire operation in his head. I want a heavy diversion at the entrance to the Fae Cathedral. Contact Keelen and tell him all that’s going on. The more of Roche’s security force that I can draw away from his home, the better.

Then I’ll need a small group of your best fighters to enter with me through Roche’s front door, which is from the strip-center side. But come well-armed. Roche has men in there ready to fight.

He explained the layout in detail as well as the elevator they could use as needed to get to the factory level. And I’ve got Juliet’s ability with dreamgliding, so I can scout every location first.

Fergus detached his telepathy for a few minutes to get his end set up. He returned a moment later. I reached Keelen. He and five other squad cars are heading to the Fae Cathedral to make some noise like last time. Each is prepared to battle and die, just like you, so don’t give me any shit about withdrawing if things get tough.

Brannick smiled, then wondered why he’d ever thought he was alone in this world. Here was a whole group of men ready to take up arms, and none of them were vampires.

He talked timing over with Fergus, then set his internal clock. In three minutes, he’d meet Fergus and six of his men at the strip-center.

With his plan in place, he left the cottage and headed toward the compound’s entrance. He took a moment to speak with Agnes. He explained the situation to her in detail, then asked if she could repair Juliet’s dreamglide. Otherwise, Roche could get to her all over again. He knew the sage fae had tremendous power.

Agnes grew very serious. “I’ll get in there right away and start taking care of the damage.”

Her willingness to jump in and help reminded Brannick once more he was part of a team now.

He went outside to let the guards know he was heading out and hoped to be back soon. He shielded himself with his vampire cloak, then rose into the air and began a slow drift to the southeast. He wouldn’t enter Roche’s home until Fergus’s team was with him.

Once he arrived at Roche’s home, he found he could remain upright for a limited amount of time, while moving back and forth into Juliet’s dreamglide to check on her. As long as he made it a quick trip, his real-time self remained conscious. He could feel Agnes working her magic as she continued to repair the dreamglide.