“Juliet, is he gone?” Brannick asked.

“For now, yes.” She kept building. “Did you hit him?”

“No. He was too quick. Are you almost done? Because I suspect he’s coming to your house next, in real-time. We need to get out of here.”

“Only a few seconds more.”

When she’d reached her starting point, even he could feel Juliet’s shielding wall solidify.

Within the dreamglide, Mary rose from her couch and looked around. “I can feel how much better it is. But he’ll come back. I know he will.”

Juliet explained about all three of them moving to Agnes’s compound.

Tears filled Mary’s eyes. She crossed her arms over her stomach and a sob escaped her voice. “I never thought I’d survive this. I was sure Roche would take me again. But Juliet, how did you hear me call to you?”

Juliet went to her and embraced her. “I just did. Please don’t worry. Brannick and I will get you to safety now. But we’ve gotta move fast.”

Mary thanked them then once more reclined on the sofa.

Juliet smiled one last time at Mary, then took Brannick’s hand. He felt a gentle squeeze of her fingers then suddenly woke up on the bed with her.

She didn’t stay in a reclining position, not for a second, but leaped off the bed and quickly packed a bag for herself. “Go get Mary. I’ll bring your bag as well.”

Brannick headed into the living room but before he picked up Mary, he took a good look around. He wasn’t taking any chances.

By the time he scooped Mary up, Juliet returned from the bedroom, their bags in her hands. He noted with approval that she’d already brought her new vampire cloaking power around her. If Roche was in the air, he wouldn’t be able to see her.

> He moved to the patio and let the guard know to expect trouble. “Get Officer Keelen over here right now in case Roche shows up.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Juliet launched into the air and flew swiftly in a northwesterly direction. Brannick drew Mary tight against his chest, shielded them both, then punched airspace.

By the time he caught up with Juliet, she was already making her descent. She also began easing off her vampire shield, a wise move given that several guards ranged in front of Agnes’s compound.

All five heavily armed warriors lifted their weapons as she touched down. Brannick, however, chose to keep his shield tight and remained hovering in the air ten feet up.

Juliet spoke quickly. “Agnes is expecting me.”

“Your name?” The officer in charge had a tough look about him, short black hair, square jaw and a grim expression.

“Juliet Tunney. I have a vampire with me, from the Crescent Border Patrol, Officer Robert Brannick. He’s carrying the victim, Mary, in his arms.”

The man looked her up and down more than once. “The names all check out.” In a louder voice he called out, “Officer Brannick, show yourself, but remove your shield slowly or we will fire.”

Juliet turned toward him. Her eyes held a concerned expression. She must have feared he wouldn’t obey.

But Brannick respected the man right away and did as he’d been ordered. He released his cloak carefully, making himself visible in stages to all the men. At the same time, he eased down to the sidewalk.

Each guard grew stiff with tension at the sight of him, firearms held with both hands.

He understood why. Every known safe house in Five Bridges suffered intermittent and deadly attacks by the enemy. Vampires frequently worked as hired guns.

The men hired to guard these houses served heroically.

The lead guard glanced at Mary. “You may pass, all three of you.”

The guards lined up on either side of the wide walkway. Brannick noticed none of them holstered their guns.