Hard as a rock, he thrust faster now, grunting as he sucked. Her fingers played over the thick muscles of his shoulders, arms and back, then moved lower to caress his buttocks. She savored the flex-and-release as he pumped into her.

Zeph, you feel like heaven. You’re so damn built.

At that, he left her throat, his eyes at half-mast, pupils dilated. He supported himself on his forearms as he looked down at her, thrusting into her, hair swaying. She loved the sight of her blood on his mouth and leaned up to kiss him, to taste what he’d tasted.

He kissed her fiercely in return, rolling his hips to drive his cock deep. She sensed a vibration building in him, then suddenly felt it through his cock, an intense sensation that tripled the pleasure she experienced. She gasped and moaned at the same time.

“Zeph, what are you doing. Sweet Goddess that feels good.”

“That’s my mating frequency and I wanted you to feel it inside you.”

She cried out repeatedly as the sensation took her to the edge.

“Alesia, are you ready for me? Are you ready to come?”

She met his gaze, her body writhing against his. She nodded and pleasure released from her in a driving swell.

He moved faster, which caught up the sensation and carried it deep. The vibrations brought everything to a peak that made her scream. Ecstasy ripped through her, riding her body, up and up, causing her heart to expand and her lungs to fill with fiery passion.

He shouted his release, pumping harder still, as his body twisted over hers. “Alesia!”

She saw stars or she swore she did. Pleasure kept flowing and moved in sweet aftershocks so that she continued to grind against him, savoring the last bit of ecstasy.

Finally, he settled down as well and lay on top of her, though breathing hard.

She gasped out a few breaths as well. “I’ve never felt like this before,” she murmured. “Like if you weren’t holding me down, I’d float all the way to the ceiling, then back.”

She giggled and with her body lax, she wrapped him up in her arms. She held him, petting his back, now damp from his exertions. She kissed his neck.

“Thank you. More than anything in the world, I needed that.”

* * * * * * * * *

Zephyr knew what Alesia meant about floating. He didn’t feel anchored to the earth right now at all. Instead, he drifted somewhere in space, his mind and body free of everything that had caused him even the smallest pain or distress.

He couldn’t remember why they’d ever broken up, or what could have been so important to keep them apart. Not when he felt like this, when he loved her so much. And he didn’t want to spend even one more second away from her.

At last he recovered some of his strength and leaned back a little so he could look at her. “I love you, Alesia. I’ve loved you from the moment I first kissed you. Do you remember, at your diner about a year ago? I was the last customer to leave and I was at the register and I knew I had to kiss you.”

She smiled softly, her green eyes full of affection. “I remember.” She pushed strands of damp hair away from his forehead. “I fell hard for you, too.”

He nodded, but his throat grew tight. “I don’t want this to end.”

“I don’t either.”

He kissed her for a long moment, wanting her to feel the depth of his love for her.

When she dug her nails in his back, the sensation firmed him up again and he began moving inside her once more.

“Yes,” she whispered against his lips. “Make love to me, Zeph. Make love to me.”

* * * * * * * * *

When Alesia woke up again, hours later this time, she was back in Zephyr’s bed. She saw that the east-facing shutters had been raised a few inches and a dusky light showed through. Full-dark would come along in less than an hour.

How long had she slept?

Stretching, she turned over. She had a cloth between her legs and that made her smile.