Alesia opened her eyes, uncertain what had awakened her. For a moment, she wasn’t even sure where she was.

She looked around and recognized Zephyr’s bedroom, but he was no longer in bed with her. Glancing at the open door of the bathroom, she was pretty sure he wasn’t in there either.

Exhaustion crowded her and her heart seemed to be laboring in her chest. She’d been feeling like this a lot in recent weeks, especially when Zephyr would show up last thing at night to take her home. A couple of times, she’d almost offered to feed him just because she felt certain she’d feel better if she opened a vein for him.

She sat up and rubbed her chest.

Then she heard his voice. “You can’t come? Are you sure?” A pause. “No, that’s okay. I’ll call someone else.” A heavy groan followed.

Her senses came alert and her drowsiness disappeared.

Zeph was in trouble. She could feel it now.

She slipped from bed, wearing a long t-shirt of his that hit her mid-thigh.

She hurried into the living room, took one look at his pallor, and made a quick decision. “Zeph, you need to feed, as in now.”

He looked up at her, his arms around his stomach, his body bent over in pain. His blue eyes had a wild, almost feverish appearance.

“Oh, dear sweet Goddess, why didn’t you reach for me? Damnit, you’re the most stubborn man.”

She dropped in front of him, and swept her hair away from her throat. “Take what you need.”

He probably couldn’t have stopped if he’d wanted to.

He fell on her, pushing her to the floor, his fangs at her throat, striking to just the right depth. Withdrawing his fangs, he sucked hard, too hard.

She beat at his shoulders. “Zeph, you’ll collapse the vein. Ease back.”

He pulled away and struggled through several deep breaths. He resumed, more gently this time, and her blood began to flow.

She patted his back. “Better. Much better. You’re okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.”

He was so close to death, the man who had saved her life just a few hours earlier.

She’d never fed a vampire before, but after about a minute, she began to experience an extraordinary euphoria, like nothing she’d ever known before. Her heart felt light and free. She realized she hadn’t truly felt normal in weeks.

Now that she did, she rubbed his shoulders but wanted more than just the feel of the flannel beneath her hands.

She caressed his bare neck, and slipped her fingers down his back, savoring his warm skin. Her hips arched against him and that’s when she felt that he was fully aroused, a very natural state for a vampire, lying on top of a woman and taking from her throat.

He groaned, and though he continued to nurse at her throat, he pathed. Don’t do that, Alesia. I won’t be able to control myself. Damn all the elf lords, but your blood has the flavor of berries steeped in wine. I’ve never tasted anything like this in my life. And the power that comes with each hit. I feel like I could do anything.

Maybe it was his voice in her head, or maybe her own latent desire for the man, but desire flooded her like a sudden tsunami. She pulled away from him and started tearing at his pajamas.

He froze and drew back, blood on his lips, his eyes still wild and feverish, but for a completely different reason this time. He tugged at his shirt as well, which popped all the buttons, and at the same time, he freed her in order to strip out of her t-shirt.

By the time she’d tossed it on the carpet next to her, he was fully naked, pushing her shoulders back, and spreading her legs with his knees. Desire and need poured through her, rolling like waves as he positioned his cock at her entrance. He pushed into her while at the same time, she angled her throat once more. Only this time she exposed the vein on the opposite side.

He grunted his approval, a low guttural sound, more animal than man. It sent sh

ivers chasing down her abdomen to sink deep into her well.

With his fangs fully emerged once more, he struck again, then latched onto her throat.

With his cock moving in and out of her well and his mouth sucking greedily at her vein, she cried out over and over. His hands skated up and down her sides, then over her breasts. With so many sensations pummeling her all at the same time, she was already close to an orgasm.

If she’d known that feeding him would be like this, she would have offered her neck the first time they’d been together and never stopped.