
Chapter Three

Once Charlotte was inside the room, she put a hand to her throat. She felt so much right now that she hardly knew what to think.

Her first date with Willem had gone from pure sexual desire and longing, to a new realm vibration that was somehow connected to Willem’s work with the RIU.

She felt nervous all over again. Everything was moving so fast, as though she’d hopped on a train and it just kept moving faster and faster.

And yet, here she stood, unwilling to leave as she watched him cross to the fireplace. The part of her that seemed to so easily embrace all that was realm knew she needed to be with Willem, here, tonight. Yes, it was a mystery, but she felt that something extraordinary was about to happen and she had no doubt that she wanted to be part of it.

Yet her rational side kept asking the question, but how could this end well given that Willem had never once made a serious commitment to any woman he’d dated?

As he lit the fire, she took in his broad shoulders, narrow hips and once again his firm backside. She was reminded all over again that he worked out and that he’d served as a Guardsman. But he was more than just a vampire, he was a mastyr vampire and suffered from chronic blood starving. Was it her imagination, or did her heart feel laden as she watched him. And just like that, the new and very strange fae-ish part of her once more vibrated softly and this time she could feel his starvation, that even now his stomach cramped, causing him pain, a condition all mastyr vampires suffered from.

And she wanted more than anything in the world right now to ease that suffering.

He lit an already well-stacked fire, built at the base with kindling and paper. Within a very short time, flames licked around several logs. A beautiful flickering light filled the space and the image came into her head of seeing Willem’s powerful body dappled with firelight. For a moment, she honestly wasn’t sure whether it was her vivid imagination or an actual fae manifestation. She decided it was the former and laughed at herself.

Two long French doors flanked each side of the fireplace. “How would you feel if I opened the door?”

He glanced up at her from the hearth. “Both fire and wind? Two elements alive in a room I’m sharing with you?”

Her thoughts were so similar that her chest started aching all over again. “Exactly.”

“If it pleases you, it will make me happy.” Could he have spoken better words?

She opened the door wide. Cool, sea air blew over her and she inhaled deeply. She knew that from this point forward, the sea would always remind her of Willem and this night.

He rose and smiled. “I want both as well, the light and heat from the fire, then all this fresh air. We must be the same in that way. I love the way the ocean smells.”

“So do I.” He couldn’t know that she was referring to him.

With mounting desire, she made a decision that set her heart pounding all over again.

When he started moving in her direction, she lifted her hand. “Stay right there, Willem. I want to do something for you.”

He stopped abruptly, but his smile broadened. “Anything you say.” His voice dropped to a lower timbre. “I admit I’m intrigued.”

His eyes flared as her hands dipped to the bottom of her tank top. Slowly, she lifted it up, removing it to reveal her low-cut, black lace bra. She then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She wore only a matching lace thong, the barest triangle of black fabric.

He remained in front of the fire. Its glow flickered over his arms, neck, and face. The uneven light enhanced his fierce look.

“Your turn.” Would he take the hint, because saying more as in asking him to take off his clothes would probably have turned her cheeks bright red.

But a slow smile crossed Willem’s lips as he pulled his black t-shirt out of his slacks.

He lifted his shirt over his head, revealing ripped, heavy pecs. His arms were corded and powerful. His shoulders had so much definition that for a long time, her gaze skated back and forth as though mesmerized, uncertain where to land. He stayed where he was as well, letting her look.

He proved leaner than she expected, which gave him a tough, seasoned look. It suited the warrior he was, that he’d been battling for a long time against evil in his realm. The tips of her fingers itched to touch him.

She ached deep inside, her need for him growing. And the part of her that apparently wanted to be fae vibrated to life, a very soft flow of waves at the seat of her soul. She still couldn’t believe this was happening to her. “Can you feel that, Willem?”

He nodded. “A very faint fae-ish frequency coming from you.”

“It’s wonderful.” She wanted this moment to last, this first time with Willem. When he began to move toward her, a shiver went through her. He’d be touching her soon.

When he drew close, he took her arms in his hands, his gaze falling down the line of her cleavage. He dipped and kissed each mound. She gasped softly as her body lit up with the simple feel of his warm lips on her skin.