And that was another mystery in this situation because she never slept with men on a first date, except that this didn’t feel like a first date. Something in her relationship with Willem felt very old and yes, just like he’d said, very realm.

As he drew back, she felt his thoughts reaching into her mind. Because she was human, she’d always had trouble with telepathy. She wondered what it would be like with Willem. Holding onto her new realm experience, she opened up to him.

Charlotte. His voice was a strong, masculine whisper and played like an erotic melody through her own thoughts.

She responded in kind. Tell me more, Willem, inside my mind. Keep speaking to me.

You’ve never pathed before, have you?

Not like this. I’ve never been able to sustain it, but your voice sounds so clear. I can’t believe how comfortable I feel with you.

Same here.

Connecting his hips to hers and still holding her gaze, he pathed. Tell me you want this, Charlotte. Tell me. I have to know. I have to hear you say it because I don’t want to take advantage of you.

I want you, Willem. I want whatever this is between us.

He spoke aloud. “Sweet Goddess, you’re so young.” He frowned heavily. “Maybe I am taking advantage. You know I’m just shy of a hundred.”

“I know.” She thought she understood his concern. “But I also don’t want you to think I’m without experience. I’ve had two long-term relationships and the last affair was with one of my fae professors who was a-hundred-and-fifty.”

Willem scowled. “Why are you telling me this?”

“And why do you suddenly look so angry? I thought if you understood, then you wouldn’t think of me as untouchable. Besides I’m pretty sure you know all this already.”

“I do.”

“I’ve been with several men, Willem, and though I don’t usually have sex on a first date, everything about you feels so different, completely unexpected.”

He growled softly as only a vampire could do, something that sounded very possessive. He pulled her hips tight to his. “I don’t want to hear about other men.”

“Oh.” Enlightenment dawned. “I see.” She smiled just a little. “I want you Willem. That’s all I know in this situation. And I want you now.”

Though he released her, he quickly took her hand, turning her around. He crossed the foyer and entered another room that appeared to be a study of sorts with a desk, another fireplace, a cabinet with a lot of narrow drawers, and a work table. Because of the connection she had to him, she sensed that he spent a lot of time in this space.

But he didn’t stop to show her anything. Instead, he continued on, heading toward a pair of French doors to what she could see was his bedroom beyond.

However, when she

was opposite the worktable, near the chest with all the drawers, a strong vibration went through her that felt very similar to the one she’d experienced earlier. A tremor followed, forcing her to give a tug on Willem’s hand. She stopped opposite the worktable.

Willem shifted in her direction. “Charlotte, I can tell you that you’re feeling something again. What is it?”

“I have no idea, but the vibration is back.” She dipped her chin toward the cabinet. “What’s in there?”

“Some of my case files. Are you seeing another aura?”

Charlotte shook her head, but waited for some other signal to come, but nothing else happened. “Well, whatever it was, the vibration has stopped.”

He turned to her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “Something extraordinary is going on here, Charlotte, and I want to be sensitive to that. Do you think we should explore what you were feeling just now, because I don’t want to do the wrong thing and shut any of this down.”

She stared into his eyes and felt how torn he was, that on the one hand he was trying to be careful with her, but on the other hand he desperately wanted to get her into his bed.

She took a moment to adjust. It seemed odd to be pulled toward him so sexually while at the same time having so many jarring, fae-like experiences. It was all so new, including Willem and how much she desired him.

“Maybe we can revisit this later, but right now, I’d love to see your bedroom.”

His eyes glittered and his ocean scent rose in powerful waves so that she was caught again and followed him as he led her across the threshold.