He frowned, searching her eyes, still holding her arm gently. “Tell me what’s going on and I’ll do whatever needs to be done to help. Although I have to say that everything about this evening feels very realm to me.”

“I think so, too, except how can it be when I’m just a human?” Her mouth was dry.

“I know you’re scared, but what happened?”

She nodded. “Well, for a moment there, you had a golden aura around you.”

His brows rose. “Seriously? That’s what you saw? No wonder you look so pale. You do know that seeing an aura is something the fae of our realm can do.”

“I know, but there’s more. And right now I need to ask you something but it’s personal and I’m not even sure it’s appropriate.”

“Anything, Charlotte.”

She looked into his hazel eyes, at how serious he was, and she realized this was one of her favorite things about Willem, that he had a sober, careful view of life. Given all that she’d been through, she couldn’t have dated a man who joked around a lot.

She took a deep breath. “When you crossed to the windows just now, I swear I could sense what you were feeling. Then it was as though I could feel the past. And what I want to know is whether you were hurt as a child, badly I mean, not just spanked or disciplined in that way, or even hit by an out-of-control parent like I was, but really hurt.”

“Is that what you felt? That I’ve suffered?”

“I saw the aura, then I felt or sensed that you’d been, I almost want to say tortured, but I don’t want it to be true.” She put a hand to her cheek as tears bit her eyes.

He didn’t speak for a long moment, but continued to hold her gaze. His eyes narrowed as he finally said, “Well, it’s true. But I’ve never spoken of it to anyone with the exception of a counselor a long time ago. You might have heard of him, a very wise troll named Davido.”

“Of course I’ve heard of Davido. He’s iconic in your world, a legend of unknown age.”

“Yes, he is that.”

“And Davido counseled you?”

Willem nodded.

Charlotte thought for a moment. “So you’re saying that only Davido and I know that at some point in your childhood, almost a century ago, a madman hurt you?”

“Yes. You have it exactly right.”

Charlotte glanced at the window and wondered why the landscape had lightened. It couldn’t be more than ten at night, yet suddenly she could see the green of the shrubs and that the starry sky beyond had warmed up.

She turned in a full circle, taking in the room once more. She realized there were no lamps in the room, but she saw the space the way realm-folk did, as though well lit.

The tips of her ears itched and she rubbed them. This had been happening a lot as well, as though she had some kind of allergy going on.

“So what’s happening right this moment?” Willem asked.

“I can see really well and you don’t have a single light on.”

He shook his head slowly. “Definitely realm. Is this upsetting you?”

“Other than feeling surprised and unsettled, not really. Not if it truly is a realm phenomenon. I’ve lived here for years and my best friend is a troll. I’m basically comfortable with your kind. So no, I’m not upset. I love seeing the world the way you must see it. Very beautiful. It’s just such a strange, unexpected experience.”

“You’re beautiful.”

He’d spoken the words so quickly, without restraint that she couldn’t help but smile. “And I think you’re amazing.”

“You do?” His turn to look surprised.

“Yeah. I do.” She stepped close and without giving it too much thought, she leaned up and kissed him.

When she stepped away, however, he reached for her, sliding his arms around her waist and drawing her close. She leaned into him as his lips grazed hers lightly, a sensual movement that heated her all over again. She knew where this was headed and even though she’d had no intention of hooking up with Willem so soon, she was ready.