Yolen frowned at his computer. Was it possible that Keynes had a connection to the latest increase in drugs in Cameron?


Chapter Four

Wednesday at midnight, Brianna stood in the middle of her studio, staring at her cell as though it had grown horns, as though somehow the rectangular piece of technology was the reason Yolen hadn’t called.

He’d pressed her up against the gallery workroom wall, taken from her throat, and made her feel like all things were possible in her relationship with him.

Then he hadn’t called.

And still she stared at her phone as though she expected a miracle or something.

But why should he have called? After all, Yolen hadn’t exactly revoked his no-call policy when he’d come to the exhibition. He hadn’t made any other promises, he hadn’t talked about how things would be different, and he definitely hadn’t said he’d call her.

So why had she thought that their experience on Saturday night would have changed things?

Plain and simple, Yolen liked his boxes.

She remembered that old saying about insanity, about doing the same thing over and over yet each time expecting a different result.

The only thing that had changed since last Friday was that Yolen had broken his own rule and had shown up at her exhibition. That’s all. Apparently, having made a concession to attend her art show, he felt he’d fulfilled his duty and everything went back to normal.

Brianna decided that she hated Yolen’s version of normal. In fact, she was so fed up, she couldn’t do his kind of normal one more second.

Going against his no-calling rule, she made the leap and a few seconds later heard him answer. He sounded surprised, a trace of panic in his voice. “Brianna, what’s wrong?”

“What do you mean ‘what’s wrong’? I’m calling you. That’s what normal people do. They call each other when they’re dating, especially when they have hot, inappropriate sex in workrooms.”

“But we don’t talk on the phone. I have a rule about that. An important one.”

“Yes, I know.” Her temper rose a notch. “That’s why I’m calling.”

A pause. “I don’t understand. You’re calling because we don’t talk on the phone?”

“No, I’m calling because you have a rule about talking on the phone. I just broke your rule because I need to know why you haven’t called me since you drank me down at the gallery.”

A longer pause this time. “You’re angry.”

“Ya think?”

A deep sigh followed, laced with a strong dose of exasperation. “I’m hunting the most dangerous man in Cameron right now. If I can locate him, I’ll save lives. That’s why I haven’t called. That’s the only reason.”

“Right. You’re saving lives. I forgot.” He liked pulling out the guilt-trip, taking it for a spin. But she couldn’t ride anymore. She needed a real life, a real boyfriend, and that meant time, attention and commitment. If he couldn’t do that, she needed to move on.

“Brianna, I really can’t talk right now. We’re still on for Friday, though, right? That hasn’t changed? I’ve set up something special for you. You’ll see. It’ll make things better, I promise.”

Her turn to pause. The truth was she no longer cared. He could light up a two hour fireworks display and she wouldn’t give a damn. But she ought to be face-to-face with him when she said her final good-bye. “Fine.”

“You sound funny. You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m terrific actually. You know what. Forget I called. It was a mistake. I’ll see you Friday night.”

“Okay, then.” He might have started to say something else, but a certain numbness had stolen through her and she pressed the screen to end the call.

For a long time after, she remained where she was, next to her most recent canvas that depicted the waterfall at Sweet Gorge.

The call to Yolen had blown all her hopes to hell and beyond.