“But you came here first, and I really appreciate it.”

“And I should have agreed to it the moment the subject came up. It was wrong of me not to be with you.”

Brianna knew she should get back to the exhibition, but she couldn’t seem to let Yolen go and now her heart pounded. She’d hoped by now that the laden sensation in her veins would have eased up, but with Yolen so close, it actually seemed worse.

Heat rose on her cheeks as she played with the lapel of his coat. “Listen, can you do me a little favor?”

Yolen’s brows rose. “Of course. Anything. You name it. I’m yours for the next few hours.”

He’d said exactly the right thing. “I don’t know what it is, maybe because I usually let you feed from my neck on Friday nights, but I could use your fangs right now in a big way. I feel

like I spent the week making you a supply and, well…”

His eyes fell quickly to half-mast. “Then you’d better find us some place private, because once I sink em, you know what’s going to happen.”

Desire sped through her, followed by a flush that covered every inch of her skin. “How well I know.”

She glanced at the crowd some thirty feet away and since everyone was busy enjoying the light supper, champagne, and her paintings, she thought she wouldn’t be missed for the next few minutes.

Stepping away from him, she took his hand and led him down the stairs to the second level.

The gallery had a number of work spaces, very dark, unused and private at this hour, so she took him to the framing room. Drawing him inside, she turned and locked the door.

She needed this so much, this time with him, his body against hers and mostly his fangs in her neck as he did his vampire thing.

She swung her long hair behind her shoulder.

“Yolen,” she whispered.

He caught the back of her neck with his hand and held her gaze. The room was pitch black, but her fae vision warmed his face. Her abdomen tightened as it always did when he stood this close to her. He was so damn handsome and as his dark eyes bored into hers, she grew lax in his arms.

He moved in tight, connecting his hips to hers. She felt his arousal and now her blood thumped in her ears. Adrenaline flowed and she trembled.

“I love you, Brianna and I am trying.”

“I know.” She petted his face, his hair, his shoulders. “Take me.”

He kissed her and all that she felt for him rushed forward so that her mating vibration came to life, her realm frequency designed to choose a forever-after man. She let him feel how much she loved him, that in every possible way, she belonged to him.

* * * * * * * * *

Brianna’s vibration hit Yolen square in the chest, spreading fire through his body. Her scent rose as well, a swirl of jasmine and sea air that made his mouth water and his cock twitch. Her blood called to him and he realized just how powerfully even the promise of drinking from her neck affected him.

She wasn’t the only one who’d missed last night’s coupling. He ached to be inside her and he longed to drink her down.

As he continued to ply her lips with his own, something about just the thought of tapping her vein, suddenly ignited his mastyr calling. Startled, he drew back and suppressed the surge.

“What is it?”

“I’m not sure, but as I was kissing you and thought about how much I needed this time with you, needed to tap into your vein, I surged again.”

“Yolen, what’s going on? I mean, has the thought of drinking from me done this before?”

“No, not like this.”

“Do you want to stop?”

He grabbed her once more and hauled her against his chest. “Sweet Goddess no. I think I’d rather die first.”