He kissed her again for a long moment, only drawing back because he needed to discuss the bonding process with her. “I know from talking to Gerrod and from listening to general Guard gossip, that there’s more than one way to complete the blood rose bond. But one thing for sure will absolutely help the process along, or rather two things.”

She smiled again. “Let me guess, your fangs in my neck, your naked body pressed against mine. Am I right?”

Desire for her heated up, and he lifted her into his arms. “Yep. Exactly right.”

When he reached the bed, she put a hand on his chest. “There’s just one thing. I need you to know that I’m really nervous about doing this, about bonding with you because I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“I am, too, but I want this more than anything. I’ve missed being with you so much over the past few months.”

“That was my fault. I know it was. All this time I’ve been afraid of losing you. Then I almost did, you almost died, and all I could think was how much time I’d wasted being apart from you.”

“We both needed to shift our positions. I know that now. I was stuck in a rut of rage against the Invictus. I refused to see how those abducted, and forced to forge a wraith-bond, had lost their lives as well.”

She leaned up and kissed him. “But I refused to acknowledge how brutal the battling of these pairs really is. So for that I apologize. I never properly honored you for your service. But I do now. And if there comes a time, that you need to go back to fighting as you do, I promise you I won’t be so belligerent in my viewpoint.”

“And I’ll promise to keep finding ways to rescue wraith-pairs.”

With that said, he pulled the comforter back, then laid her out on the bed. This coupling would be different from all those that came before. And as he helped her out of her clothes, then stripped out of his, the nerves were back, that edgy feeling that always arrived in the face of the unknown.

Like Alesia, he had no idea what would happen right now.

Already firm and ready for her, he planted himself between her knees. He kissed her on the lips, then drifted a series up her cheek, afterward using his tongue to tease her ears, first one then the other. He licked and sucked, just the way she liked so that before long her body writhed beneath his and her hands were busy below his waist, playing with the crown of his cock and stroking him.

She knew what he wanted, so it wasn’t long before she guided his thick stalk to her opening and keeping him steady, helped him find his way inside. The whole time, she moaned as he took the slightly rounded point of her ear in his mouth and sucked.

“Oh, Sweet Goddess, that feels so good, Zeph.” His name came out on a breath of air, full of desire and need.

Slowly he began driving into her, stroking her dee

p as he plunged his tongue in and out of her ear. Her hands found the muscles of his arms and she dug her nails in, a sensation that sent a lightning strike of pleasure straight to his testicles.

He moved faster now, only this time he added a vibration the full length of his cock. She moaned heavily, and cried out. “That’s incredible. You’ll make me come soon.”


The faster he moved the more powerful the vibration he sent through her so that pretty soon she was undulating in synch with him as he slammed into her.

He dipped lower and licked a line up her throat.

“Yes, Zeph, please take from me. I need you to.”

Still moving, he pinned her opposite shoulder down with his hand in order to hold her steady. Letting his fangs descend, he struck swiftly.

The first hit of her blood exploded in his mouth and he almost came. He breathed through it though, knowing he needed to save his release for the moment of the bond.

When he was more in control, he began working her throat steadily, sucking down her wine-and-berry blood, as he thrust into her.

She panted now and to her mind, he pathed, I’m going to open my mating frequency. Are you ready?

Absolutely. I want this. I need this.

From deep within his body, what he’d call the seat of his soul, the most essential part of him came to life, vibrating heavily. He slowed the thrusting of his hips and the suckling at her throat and focused on sending that frequency into Alesia.

“Zeph, it’s the most amazing feeling.” She opened to him at the same time, a blossoming of her own mating vibration. The moment their frequencies met, a surge rose within her, then passed swiftly into him, moving through his chest. He felt lit up from within and pleasure boiled.

He could see the frequencies together in his mind’s eye, rolling and swirling together, moving in tandem.

He began to thrust harder again, pushing his cock deep inside her and sustaining the vibration low as well. His was a miraculous world of vibrations and never had the experience been more profound than in this moment.