He hardly cared. What meant something to him was giving Sandra pleasure in as many ways as he could. When he finally released his seed into her, his hope was that it would take root and begin the family that would anchor them in Camberlaune for the rest of their long-lived lives.

~ ~ ~

Two weeks later, Sandra stood on the front porch of the home Griffin had owned prior to his abduction. Mastyr Ian, ruler of Camberlaune Realm, had taken custody of the house when Griffin had been abducted. His intention had been to one day return the house to Griffin, should he escape whatever bondage Margetta had placed him in. Or in the event he learned of Griffin’s death, to give the home to the Camberlaune Fae Guild to use as they saw fit.

When Griffin had finally met with Ian directly and shared the details of his captivity as well as the size of Margetta’s army, Ian had welcomed him home and given him the keys to the house. Griffin had wanted to immediately rejoin the Guard, but Ian had insisted he take at least two weeks to be with his blood rose.

Griffin hadn’t protested very much, and for that, Sandra was grateful. The more she was with him, the more she craved him. In many ways, this had been their honeymoon.

She felt more connected to him than ever.

Griffin’s home was in the outskirts of the city of Mercata, in the foothills of the Venaset Mountains. Situated on an elevation, Sandra looked out at the glittering city lights of Mercata, clouded ever so slightly with her own spelled mist. Now that she’d advanced in power, she’d begun serious spellcasting especially those designed for protection. Griffin’s property was now cloaked and only the most powerful Realm-folk would be able to detect its existence. Certainly, very few Invictus pairs could ever get through the spell. If they reached it, they’d be turned back with an overwhelming sense they’d gone the wrong way.

Her fae senses told her clearly that she and Griffin were in no way a priority for Margetta.

“Sandra, where are you?” Griffin sounded like he was in the back of the house, maybe as far as the master bedroom. Their home was a single story and had every modern convenience. But it was fairly large and the distance from the front door to the bedroom was a nice trek.

“I’m on the front porch, envisioning how I want to re-landscape the slope to the driveway. Are you about ready?” She’d fed him, of course, because this would be his first night back battling the Invictus as a Guardsman.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” he called back.

She felt completely torn about his leaving. She wanted him home with her and she wanted him safe. But she’d married a fighting man and knew he had to do all that he could to keep the Realm-folk of Camberlaune safe. He’d also gown antsy over the past few days. He needed to be with his brother’s-in-arms. The war was heating up and rumors were flying everywhere that Mastyr Stone of Tannisford Realm was engaged in organizing a major offensive against the Ancient Fae. Very soon, Ian would head to Tannisford for a meeting with all the ruling mastyrs of the Nine Realms.

A week ago, when Sandra and Griffin had shared a meal with Mastyr Ian and the Ruby Fae, Sandra had felt the depth of Ian’s sadness over the loss of his second-in-command, Mastyr Ben. He’d served as Mastyr Ian’s right-hand-man for over half a millennium. Griffin had been shocked, having considered Ben one of his closest friends.

But there’d been another layer that had felt like betrayal to Sandra. She would probably never know what really happened, but her fae senses told her Ben’s death had been necessary, which made her feel sick in a way that had caused Griffin to offer a questioning brow. She’d shaken her head, doubting she would share her concerns with him. Because of the hurt in Ian’s eyes, she’d also avoided asking any other questions about Mastyr Ben.

Reuniting with Regan had been an amazing experience and a very long hug had followed along with a few dozen tears shed by them both. Regan had thanked her over and over for her bravery in getting the tower cell key to her.

Of course, Regan had known at the outset of their reunion that Sandra had become a blood rose much in the same way Sandra could detect the similar power within Regan. A long conversation had followed, separate from the men, about what it was to be a blood rose and the tremendous intimacy that had followed. The men had stood side-by-side across the room, each drinking tumblers of whisky. She’d heard snippets of their conversation, but it was all about the war and the coming meeting in Tannisford.

Because Griffin had risen in his mastyr power, he was now second-in-command of the Camberlaune Vampire Guard. When Ian left for Tannisford, Griffin would serve in Ben’s place.

And tonight was his return to the Guard.

It helped a lot to have a fellow blood rose to talk with.

So much had changed in thirty years, including the advent of the Internet which hadn’t been available to any of the slaves in the fortress. Sandra was presently on a crash course and spent most of her time online bringing herself up-to-speed.

She heard the sound of Griffin’s boots on the tiled floor behind her. She turned to smile at him and her breath caught all over again.

He wore the traditional sleeveless, leather Guardsman coat, along with a brand new pair of the absurdly sexy thigh boots and pants. Like Ian, he didn’t wear a shirt and Sandra just about melted at the sight of his heavily muscled arms.

His smile grew wicked and he lowered his chin as he moved, which gave him that caveman look she’d come to love. If he hadn’t been heading out, she would have taken his hand and hauled him back to bed.

Instead, she worked at controlling her desire for him and put a hand to her chest, trying to get her heart to calm down.

When he drew close, he put his hands on her hips, something he liked to do. “I’m feeling your desire and it’s not helping me at all.” But he chuckled as he spoke.

And she of course took the opportunity to fondle his muscled arms. She sometimes felt guilty about how much she loved his body. But when she told him, he’d laughed and gotten a really affectionate look in his eye. ‘I’m all yours, babe. Every last bit of me.’ That’s what he’d said.

She leaned up and kissed him, a long passionate kiss to remind him what he could look forward to when he returned.

As she drew back, it took every ounce of strength not to beg him to stay home with her. But she was a warrior’s wife now, and it was important to let him know she supported his service as a protector of Camberlaune Realm.

She waved to him as he took off into the night sky, heading to Somerstrong and the Vampire Guard’s Communication Center.

She stayed on the front step until she could no longer see him. He’d be back before dawn and she’d count the hours until he was safe in bed beside her once more.