He groaned as an elixir, laced with the flavor of rosemary and sage, hit his mouth, his tongue, then trickled like the most beautiful fire down his throat. He formed a seal around the wounds and began to suck. He lost a sense of time and place. All he felt was his cock driving into her once more, her body moving in heavy waves beneath his, and the amplified nature of her blood powering him once more.

He went faster, a strong dedicated rhythm.

Griffin. I love you.

His heart swelled and his mating vibration began to pulse, a demanding frequency that called to her.

Do you want this, Sandra? To bond with me? Are you sure?

Absolutely. I love and admire you and I value how you treat me, how you’ve been with me for the last year. I want to bond with you as your blood rose.

He grunted in response and the moment she opened up her mating vibration, he let his fly. His pulsing frequency swept over hers, teasing her with another layer of pleasure as it swirled back and forth in a rhythm that matched his hips. It’s coming.

I can feel it. Oh, Griffin. She was gasping now, quick, harsh breaths against his hand.

He released her neck, swiping his tongue to seal the wounds. He lifted up enough to plant his right forearm beside her to give himself leverage as he thrust into her. But he also wanted to look at her as this enormous thing happened between them.

Her eyes were wild and shimmered with tears. Her body rolled with his. They were one heavy flow of joined sensation. I bond myself to you, Sandra of Camberlaune Realm. I give myself to you as a husband, to serve and adore you the rest of my life. His mating vibration began to tighten. I love you, Sandra.

And I offer myself to you, Mastyr Griffin of Camberlaune Realm, to be your blood rose, your bonded mate, your wife. I hold nothing back, but give of myself freely, loving you with all my heart.

With that, his mating vibration tightened completely, surrounding hers and merging to create one powerful shared vibration.

Sandra’s eyes widened and a flush flew up her cheeks. She cried out against his hand as ecstasy took hold of her. He drove into her hard, his own body beginning to release. Cover my mouth as well, Sandra.

She pressed her hand tight to his lips. And as the orgasm began to come he grunted heavily, wanting to roar with the exquisite nature of every sensation, but he held back to protect them both.

Pleasure flowed from their joined mating vibrations, flooding his abdomen as his cock pulsed with fiery pleasure.

But this time the orgasm didn’t stop. Instead, just as he was winding down, another series of pulses began to erupt from him.

At the same time, Sandra screamed against his hand, the pulses of her well pulling on him. He drove fast, wanting to make her pleasure last. Then, without warning, a sudden explosion of ecstasy erupted from their shared mating vibrations. His back arched and he had the devil of a time not roaring out loud.

And the blood rose bond locked into place.

He dipped his head back in her direction and met her astonished gaze once more. He slid his fingers off her mouth and she did the same, drawing her palm away from his face. He followed his first impulse and kissed her. She responded in kind, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him back.

After a moment, he met her gaze. “I can feel you, what you’re experiencing, everything.”

“Same here, especially the pleasure you feel with your cock inside me.”

His lips curved. “And how much you enjoy my cock.”

Tears formed in her eyes. He kissed her again and again. He didn’t leave her body for a long time, but stayed connected to her. She was his woman now.

~ ~ ~

Sandra slid her hands around Griffin’s neck, beneath his long, damp hair, then caressed his shoulders and arms. Her br

eathing had finally settled down. It seemed so strange to be back in bed with him, and even more bizarre to feel the way their mating vibrations had locked into place.

She closed her eyes and her fae senses came alive as never before. She felt the future floating around her like scattered images she could pull together to create a whole picture. She knew some of the fae of the Nine Realms had extraordinary powers and were able to experience visions of the future.

Until this moment, her own gifts had been very limited. Occasionally, she would experience a strong prescience about what was going to happen in a given situation. Yet right now she felt as though she could know things about the immediate future if she extended her fae power and put her mind to it.

But she didn’t want to know. If she saw herself bonded to an Invictus wraith, she’d fall apart. Or if she saw that her relationship with Griffin had been discovered, she knew Griffin’s execution would follow. Or hers. The burden of knowing would be too much to bear.

For now, she held the future at arm’s length, savoring each stolen minute she had with Griffin in her bed.