The uncivilized part of him loved that she was out-of-control and saying things to Cohoet that most of the men present, and all of the women, had wanted to say to the bastard at some time or another.

He let her say what she wanted and settled into enjoying the soft curves of her body. He sniffed the ruff at her neck, savoring the erotic apple blossom scent as she continued her tirade.

The beautiful white fur on the backs of her hands called to him as well. He was pretty sure her scent would be strong there as well, and he wanted more of it.

Suddenly, Lorelei whirled abruptly in his arms, landing on her feet and staring at him with horrified eyes once more. Why the hell have you gone all mossy on me?

He thought about lying to her, but he didn’t see the point. His scent clearly had given him away. Because I like you like this, all worked up and shouting at Cohoet.

He hadn’t planned on his arousal being the reason that her rage burnt itself out, but it was as good a tool as any and rather fitting for the circumstances. Of all the realm species, shifters had a real wild side when it came to sex, liking it earthy and rough.

And he understood very clearly that some part of his controlled vampire-self wanted to thoroughly explore this side of Lorelei.

She breathed hard as she slowly recovered her temper.

Another of the alphas, Valgus, spoke up. “Mastyr Seth, I confess I’ve enjoyed listening to the prime female enumerate my fellow alpha’s considerable flaws.” He paused, nodding to Cohoet, and a chuckle ran through the crowd. “But to return to the issue at hand, Lorelei’s summoning of all four packs has created a huge territorial conflict. Our customs demand that we settle the dispute by our usual methods.”

In the shifter world, the ‘usual methods’ referred to physical combat.

Part of ruling an entire realm, with so many varied species, involved allowing individual species the latitude to self-govern as each saw fit. Battling mano-a-mano worked for the shifter packs.

But the current situation left all of Walvashorr vulnerable. “I can’t let you do that, Valgus. The ancient fae has a presence in Walvashorr right now and has been bringing in dozens of Invictus wraith-pairs to harm our families. Which means that I need all of you serving your territories as you have been for the past several decades. Right now most of the Shauck Mountains is unprotected.”

Alophi, closer in attitude to Cohoet than the others, added his piece. “You know we take care of our own first. That’s pack law. And decisions must be made.”

Seth frowned. “What decisions?”

Ephyx stepped forward. “The prime female has upset the balance among the packs. Crossing territories, as many of us did in order to answer her call to Loperz Canyon, has left scent trails and the women of those territories are now free to pursue the men of other packs.”

Okay, that was a real problem. “I see.”

Even Lorelei grew quiet. She could hardly argue against territoriality when, not even an hour ago, they’d both established a need for exclusivity.

Lorelei pathed, Seth, I have no idea what to do here? I don’t even known what it means to be a prime female.

Seth turned toward her. If you’re the prime female and your call caused this problem, maybe you have the answer as well.

That might be true, but I still don’t know what I’m doing.

Seth once more turned his attention toward the packs, acutely aware of the hostility that ran through the brigade. He tried to quickly size up what needed to be done, but the truth was he didn’t have sufficient information to make a proper assessment. We need an expert here, someone to help us figure this out. I’m thinking we should bring Davido in.

Davido, of course. Lorelei’s eyes brightened. He’s as old as the hills. If anyone will have answers about what’s going on, he will.

I agree.

Aloud, he addressed the alphas. “We need realm support and I’m calling Davido to help us sort this out. Any objections?” He glared as he spoke, his chin lowered, letting them know that he wasn’t in the mood for argument.

The alphas took turns nodding their acquiescence. When he had the full support of each, he suggested a hunt for fresh venison, while he contacted the old troll. Empty stomachs would not help the general volatility of the packs.

When the orders were issued, several shifters from each pack transformed into wolves and took off in four different directions. The rest set up tall tripods for dressing the meat and built fire pits for spit-roasting.

Seth remained with Lorelei in the center of the expansive compound.

She slipped her arm around his, then pathed, That was brilliant, sending them out to hunt. Shifters prefer to be doing.

He met her gaze. Sweet Goddess, a prime female?

Don’t remind me. I’m freaking out.