Seth shook his head. Nothing, but then I’m sure Margetta is keeping her locked up tight, including her own brand of enthrallment shield.

How the hell are we going to get down in there?

We need help. And he knew exactly who he needed to contact.

Shifting telepathic frequencies, he aimed this one at Ferrenden Peace.

I’ve been expecting your call. Queen Rosamunde’s voice rattled his head. She sounded urgent and upset.

He told her exactly where he was and what had happened in as few words as possible. I need your help. Though I have no proof, I’m convinced Lorelei is in the camp but I can’t get in without your assistance. Are you willing?

Rosamunde grew very quiet, then finally said, More than you can imagine.

Seth breathed a sigh of relief. This whole operation could still go south, but at least now he had a chance of getting Lorelei out.

He was about to give Rosamunde directions to his and Jude’s position, when she was just suddenly there, standing next to him, peering between the trees as well. It’s worse than I thought. How could Margetta have done this?

Jude hadn’t met the queen before, so he offered a telepathic introduction. She wore a fur muff and removed her hand from within to shake Jude’s. He seemed appropriately startled as he bowed slightly, and after releasing her hand, he took two steps backward.

Rosamunde didn’t seem to notice. We’ll need a diversion.

Seth knew she’d spoken to both Jude and Seth at the same time and that she’d essentially set up a powerful conference call among them so that they could continue in a quiet telepathic exchange.

Rosamunde met each gaze. I can only offer you a shield for a brief time. The moment Margetta realizes something’s afoot, I’ll need to disappear. She can’t know I’m involved or Ferrenden Peace will be at risk. Do you understand? For the sake of the outcome of Margetta’s war, Ferrenden Peace must be protected at all costs.

He nodded as did Jude. Can you discern her location?

At that, Rosamunde smiled. She’s in the tent with the flag, at the western edge of the camp.

He turned to look down at the encampment, and saw the tent she referred to. He smiled. He’d finally cut a break, but how the hell was he supposed to get Lorelei out of there, once he reached her?

Rosamunde withdrew her gloved hand from her muff and placed it on Seth’s shoulder. You’ll know exactly what to do once you’ve seen her. Trust me in this.

Had she read his mind? I do trust you. Implicitly.

She’s a good woman, Mastyr Seth. She deserves you, even more than you know.

His recent understanding of exactly how he felt about Lorelei swept through him once more and his throat tightened. I love her. The confession left his mind before he could stop it. Then he realized that at this point, his sole desire was to shout it into the heavens.

Rosamunde leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. You’ll be wonderful together. Her gaze shifted to Jude. As for you, Mastyr Jude, stay away from Lorelei. I suggest you set up a diversion at the east end of the camp, but don’t leave the ridge. And as soon as you see the army mobilizing in your direction, head back to Big Timber. Do you understand?

Yes, my queen.

Good. When she shifted her gaze back to Seth, he felt her enthrallment power pouring over him in a tremendous flow of energy, so strong in fact that he almost fell backward.

He caught himself at the last moment. Wow. Okay. He thanked her again but she frowned.

Margetta’s on the move. Go get Lorelei now. Hurry. Jude, start firing in the next few seconds. Having issued her final order, she simply disappeared the way Davido could.

Seth felt the layered shield that Rosamunde had created aroun

d him. Just as he heard Jude’s energy blasts start striking in the east, he launched full bore and crested the ridge, aiming himself directly at Lorelei’s tent.

Opening his mating frequency, he telepathically shouted Lorelei’s name.

By the time he reached the tent, dropping down in front of the netted door, she was there waiting for him, eyes wide. Can you see me? He asked.

She nodded. But I can’t get out of here.