As he waited for the last of the light to disappear and glanced around the dark gray stone shallow cave, he finally admitted the truth that he’d been avoiding, that he’d fallen in love with Lorelei.

He loved her.


Lifting his chin, he squeezed his eyes shut and turned his hands, palms up. His heart swelled and his mating vibration opened fully.

He loved her. His entire being felt lit on fire as though he could fly to the stars and back. And on some level he’d felt this way from the moment he’d first seen her standing outside his back door in her fae form. She’d had a soft curve on her lips and a gleam in her eye, part-challenging, part-amusing and all Lorelei.

With his eyes still closed, he savored the tremendous freeing joy he felt, that love had come to him, that for the first time in centuries he could open his heart and truly love without reservation.

He felt powerful in this moment with his mating vibration throbbing. And he felt certain that if he tried, he could reach Lorelei through time and space.

Again, without opening his eyes, he let that vibration flow, pulsing along the airwaves, reaching for the one woman in the Nine Realms who could satisfy him on every possible level.

When he hit home, when he found her, he shouted for joy. At the same moment, his eyes popped open and he saw that the ledge was full of her signature of silvery-teal light. He’d found her.

Lorelei, he pathed.

Seth… Her voice faded as quickly as it came.

He tried again, but he got nothing. He moved in a brisk circle, reaching for her, shouting, then finally roaring, but nothing came back.

For a brief second, he must have breached Margetta’s powerful shield, but the ancient fae had shut him down.

He moved in circles now, pacing, waiting for the last of the sunlight to disappear, then he’d be on the move. Confessing the true state of his heart had given him the one tool he needed to locate his woman. Opening up his mating vibration had made it possible for him to see her trail even at what he knew to be a tremendous distance.

And in a few more minutes, he’d hit that trail, track her down, and pull her out from whatever prison Margetta kept her in.

But he didn’t want to go alone, an unusual thought all by itself. And maybe this was a new decision. From this point forward, he wouldn’t be going it alone ever again, Goddess willing.

He contacted Ephyx first, letting him know that Margetta had taken Lorelei, probably in exchange for Seth’s life.

Very clever of her, but you’re going after the prime female, right?

Damn straight. But I won’t be able to promise I’ll be back by midnight.

We’ve got this covered. All four gorges are well-protected, our best archers are in hidden cover, and our people are safe.

After issuing an order to let the other alphas know what was happening, he contacted Jude. I need your help.

What’s wrong? What’s happened? Seth, dammit, I’m so sorry about Lorelei and everything.

I’m sorry for attacking you as well, but all that’s behind us. He then told Jude what had happened.

Will you help me get her back?

Hell, yeah. Whatever you need.

As the last rays of the sun slipped behind the mountains to the west, Seth glided behind the fall of water. He didn’t bother dealing with the elephant in the room, as in what would happen if Jude got to Lorelei first.

Yet somehow, it no longer mattered, as though his own recent personal revelation about his love for the woman would resolve the situation as soon as he could connect physically with Lorelei.

He started following the silvery-teal trail, heading in a clear northwest direction across the Shauck Mountains. At the same time, he directed Jude to fly north along the Bephotine Gorge which would cause their paths to intersect.

You got it.

Seth shut down the telepathic communication and addressed the second issue, as in how the hell he was supposed to get Lorelei away from the ancient fae?