So it would end like this, Margetta winning the day if she got this shot off.

Barely able to breathe, Lorelei held a hand to her tight throat and time slowed to a strange crawl as she processed her present reality. She realized that she’d shifted again to her vampire state, an intense still form that only vampires could do. She rarely accessed this part of her, the strain being the weakest part of her genetics.

Slowly, she rose to her feet, again moving as though she owned time as Margetta’s battle frequency increased in strength.

She processed her situation in the same the way that Seth would approach a dilemma, analyzing, calculating, taking ideas in and out of careful boxes.

Then an idea came to her, one that might just save Seth’s life, if not her own.

She moved closer to the edge and pathed to the woman who’d given her life. Mother, let’s make a deal.

She felt Margetta shift her intention, now holding her battle frequency in check. I’m listening. Although I’m sure I’d be wise to just blast the pair of you to the next life, especially since my own daughter hasn’t shown me one degree of loyalty.

Lorelei ignored her desire to tell her mother to go straight to hell and instead addressed the issue at hand. I want Seth to live. I know the battle is coming and that the Walvashorr forces stand little chance of winning against what you have in store for them. But I want him to have a chance.

Margetta chuckled. So the fae part of you has seen something, then?

Yes. But right now, I’d do anything to save Seth’s life.

So what are you offering?

What you’ve wanted for years, since I left your home. If you’ll leave Seth alone until the battle begins, I’ll come with you and I’ll go wherever you want me to go.

You’ll come with me, just like that? Are you in love or something?

You could say that.

Margetta snorted. I have to say, Lorelei, that you were my

biggest disappointment. All this potential, yet you ran from me, shunned me, as though your father and I didn’t truly live in your bones. And you never really understood the fine world we intended to create for you in which you could be a wraith and not be ashamed, in which you could one day rule all the Nine Realms.

You’re right. I never understood. But now you’ll have a chance to do just that because I’ll be turning myself over to you.

Well, to be honest my darling daughter, I’m not sure I’m interested. I tried to bring you back to the fold dozens of times and on the last occasion you led me on a lively jaunt to Ferrenden Peace. I’m not saying it wasn’t fun. I did enjoy killing those trolls. So, you’re willing to place yourself in my hands?

I am.

And what if I decide once I get you back to my base, that you’re of no use to me. Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you?

I would expect nothing less, but I’m willing to take the chance. What do you say, mother? Do I go with you now? Lorelei knew this was the only way to save Seth, if she offered herself in this way.

Then she felt it, Margetta’s essential hunger, that she wouldn’t be able to resist having Lorelei under her control again. She wasn’t surprised that Margetta’s battle energy began to fade, bit by bit.

Lorelei had her answer and still holding her layered shielding tight, she shifted back to her wraith form, then eased from behind the waterfall to levitate high in the air.

I’m above you.

The golden glow began to fade as Margetta rose in the air at the same time. Show yourself.

Lorelei stripped away layer after layer of her enthrallment shield, until she was at last visible to Margetta.

Face-to-face with the woman who had birthed her, Lorelei felt nothing except a level of disgust that she worked to keep hidden. She had a job to do, so she focused on only one thing, getting Margetta away from Seth, the man she loved.

Come back to my camp with me. I’ll have a tent made up for your use. You won’t be able to leave, of course.

As you wish.

Margetta turned and flew in a northwest direction and Lorelei joined her. She felt profound relief that she’d succeeded in saving Seth, at least for this moment.